>> Duke Nukem Forever (2011)

M (Mature)

Title: Duke Nukem Forever

Genre: Shooter (FPS)

Publisher: 2K Games

Available Consoles: Xbox 360

Reviewed Consoles: Playstation 3

Ship Date: June 14, 2011

Players: 1

Bottom Line:

More like Puke Nukem For Never

It's been over a decade and now it's time to hail to the king baby! Ehhh not really.

Duke Nukem Forever has been in development for what seems exactly that, and thus you would expect to be a polished bit of nostalgia fun. And on some fronts you could say so. Still present is the trademark Duke character, who is about as anti pc as you get. You also get the old school shooter gameplay with big guns and even bigger bosses.

As for me, I never played Duke as a kid, so I felt no such nostalgia. But this game should appeal to both familiar and unfamiliar gamers to be a hit. 

I can tell you right now, what may be nostalgic for some, is completely dated for most. And that is exactly what I felt playing this game. The mechanics feel like they were ripped straight from an early fps and fall short compared to the likes of COD and Halo.

Also falling short are the graphics. While they have obviously evolved since the last Duke game, they are far from impressive. 

There is no shortage of complaints I have for this game. From the nonexistent story to the monotonous gameplay that quickly bores, I found little to compliment the game on. 

I will say the multiplayer does have some barbaric fun, but it is short lived. After only three games I lost any drive to keep playing. 

Duke Nukem Forever is only for the most nostalgic fans or slaves to fps's. Everything is dated and the game is only marginally entertaining. 


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