>> Singularity (2010)

M (Mature)

Title: Singularity

Genre: Action/Adventure

Publisher: Activision

Available Consoles: Playstation 3

Reviewed Consoles: Playstation 3

Ship Date: June 29, 2010

Players: 16

Time to Finish: 8-10 Hours

Official Site

Bottom Line

This is a great way to spend your time and money if you're currently looking for something new to play, but it's unlikely you'll remember this game for very long after you finish it.

We’ve been talking about Singularity here at the Attitude Towers for quite some time.  Since its reveal early last year, it’s been through a roller coaster of hype and publicity.  In 2009, it seemed Activision was very eager to show this game off to any and all that would pay attention, but it the past 6 months or so the game seemed to fall off the face of the Earth.

Now, with little warning, it has finally hit shelves.

The story of Singularity starts in the late 1940’s in Soviet Russia, where scientists and engineers are searching desperately for an answer to America’s Atomic Bomb.  In their search, they discover a compound they call ‘E-99’ on an island just off the east coast of Russia.

While the compound can be used to create very large amounts of energy at once, scientists begin specifically using it for the alteration of time.

After the better part of 10 years of research and development, an accident occurs on the island which forces the closure of the labs and the research of the compound.

Now, over 50 years later, large amounts of pulsing energy are coming from the island, and guess who’s going to check it out?  You are.  Unaware of the research that happened on the island so long ago, the United States sends in a team of Special Forces to scope out the situation… which is where the mayhem begins.

Upon crash-landing on the island, you’re separated from your team and must fight to not only reunite with them, but to survive some of the strange things that are happening around you.  Aside from hideous beasts and mutated humans, there is also another evil on the island in the form of a nasty man that’s trying to gain control of the compound and all of its power.  It’s up to you to stop him, meet up with your team and survive some of the dark secrets the island has to offer.

The story in Singularity is actually pretty decent and flows very well.  Cut-scenes are a common thing but they never last so long that they interrupt the flow of the game.  Similar to a game like Bioshock, there are many notes and audio logs lying around for you to investigate, and while these pieces of information do a great job of fleshing out the story, they’re not necessary to fully understand what’s happening.

There are bits and pieces of the game’s plot that feel a little hobbled together and there are definitely a few opportunities missed, but the voice acting is solid and we knew at all points in the game what was going on and why we were trying to complete the task at hand.


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