>> Tomba! (2012)

E (Everyone)

Title: Tomba!

Genre: Platformer

Publisher: MonkeyPaw Games

Available Consoles: Playstation 3, Playstation Portable (PSP)

Reviewed Consoles: Playstation 3, Playstation Portable (PSP)

Ship Date: June 19, 2012

Players: 1

Official Site

When deciding which adventure platformer starring a pink-haired caveman to play, only one series comes to mind: Tomba. And while PSone Classics can rarely hold a candle to games released this generation, there aren’t many that are cut from the same cloth.

At first glance, Tomba may seem like just another 2D side-scrolling platformer, and this would be true if it weren’t for the trace amounts of 3D platforming. But with a direct competitor in Klonoa: Door to Phantomile and modern day platforming hits like Rayman Origins, how does Tomba stack up?


One of the game’s most unique features is its quest system which offers a total of 130 unique quests to complete. At the start, in the Village of All Beginnings, you discover more than a handful of quests. Some of these are optional side-quests, while the rest are required before moving on to the next area.

The quests in Tomba are stackable, so while you’re running around looking for butterflies you’ll be initiating additional quests along the way. Completing these side-quests unlocks additional rewards, abilities, and items. Rewards such as alternative outfits and weapons will enhance Tomba’s abilities, while other items are useful for completing other side-quests.



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