>> Blindness (2008)

Title: Blindness

Genre: Drama, Suspense

Starring: Mark Ruffalo, Julianne Moore, Alice Braga, Yusuke Iseya, Yoshino Kimura

Director: Fernando Meirelles

Studio: Miramax

Runtime: 1 Hour, 58 Minutes

In Theatres: October 3, 2008

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 2.36 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C

When an epidemic of blindness has stricken an entire city, everything begins to crumble. Quarantines are set up and the ‘sick’ are removed from the rest of society while the rest attempt to figure out what is happening.  The Doctor’s Wife (Julianne Moore) is the only one who has yet to become blind and she fakes it to stay with her husband as he is taken off to quarantine. There, they encounter more suffering the same fate. Things turn ugly as the place becomes overcrowded and people start forming their own factions and the difficulty in caring for themselves becomes apparent. Moore and everyone else must survive long enough to find what is causing this blindness and if it will ever go away.

Honestly, this is two hours in which I wish I were struck with a case of blindness. The concept is interesting yet the presentation fails entirely. It attempts to recreate the feeling of being blinds during parts of the movie, either by making the screen completely white or it being too dark to see anything. It’s actually rather boring. I don’t want to spend two hours watching people stumble around doing nothing. Sure, I’ll give the filmmakers credit for not being afraid to show the extremes of what was going on; how vulnerable and pathetic they were in that condition, yet that could not carry the entire movie. There needs to be at the very least an explanation of things, especially for a film such as this.

You would think that a person with sight would be pretty well off in a place full of blind people, right? Sadly, this isn’t the case and Moore’s character fails to act before things go from bad to worse. She is continually taken advantage of and when she finally does decide to take charge, too much chaos has already happened. Danny Glover also makes an appearance as the one guy who is actually happy that this has happened and tries to see the good in any given situation. The entire group of Ward 1 doesn’t get along at first but they grow and learn to help each other out. There are even a few comical moments to lighten the mood that makes use of fact that they are blind. These, however, are a rare occurrence.

There is no reason to watch this movie. It makes me wonder if the book that it is based off of is any better. I kept thinking to myself, “it’s going to get better, it can only go up from here,” but no, it never did. It leaves you with too many questions and has nothing noteworthy about it. Don’t waste your time and money on this one, it’s not worth it.


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