>> Brüno (2009)

Title: Bruno

Genre: Comedy

Starring: Sacha Baron, Cohen Gustaf Hammarsten

Director: Larry Charles

Studio: Universal Pictures

Runtime: 83 minutes

In Theatres: July 10, 2009

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 2.91 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B-

Official Site

R.I.P Michael Jackson

A scene which played a prank on La Toya Jackson was hastily cut from the theatrical release due to the then-raging public outcry over the unexpected death at age 50 of Michael Jackson.

Before you watch Brüno, I think it should be a requirement that you watch Borat, just so you know what you’re getting yourself into. Even then, that cannot prepare you for the shock and disgust you will find with Brüno. What’s even stranger is the fact that you will still laugh no matter how many dirty man penis’s you will see…

If you thought Borat was bad, you haven’t seen anything. Brüno is a hundred times worse in turns of nudity, vulgarity, and every other ‘ity’ out there. On the plus side, it’s about ten times more hilarious than Borat as well.

Much as Sacha Baron Cohen walked around the streets of America as Borat, he does the same as his other, more homosexual character, Brüno. He’ll conduct interviews with celebrities, politicians, religious leaders, and many others. No one is safe from the wrath of Brüno.

How this film made it to an R rating is beyond me. You’ll see sex acts that were made for a porno film, not some theatrical release. Still, you can’t help but laugh at some of the jokes, even if they are raunchy. What’s more hilarious is that fact that many of these interviewees had no idea that this was a mocumentary until after the fact. The reactions you see are priceless and genuine.

If you’re the kind of person who is easily offended or can’t take a joke, then this is definitely not the kind of movie for you. The trailers out there do not do it justice, that’s for sure. Brüno is the type of film that you see once and you will never forget it. It’s neither great, nor horrible; it’s Sacha Baron Cohen. 


Should been Rate X

Although it is hilarious, it's straight up PORN! They took it way too far for rated R, so buyer beware you will see things you might not want to.

Gay Porno!

You rather want to watch a good porno in comfort and privacy of your own home… funny but too much exposure.

should have waited for the dvd

Some parts, like the talk show, were funny. Overall, could have waited for the dvd.

not as good as borat

it just wasn't as good as borat. too many people were in on the joke on this one. and it seems like people caught on quickly enough that what we are left with is fragments of boring footage. i think they went out to make this film but ended up not getting the exposure or the reactions they hoped for.

Not Worth the Price of A Ticket

I had the luxury of watching Borat at home. And after watching that would have probably enjoyed it more in the theater. However, after watching Bruno I was shocked and had to really think back to why I sat through the whole movie. Not only is it vulgar but it's tasteless. Nobody wants to see the same penis jokes over and over again.


As a straight male I didn't know whether I should laugh or say ewwww.

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