>> Aqua Teen Hunger Force: Volume 7 (2010)

Show: Aqua Teen Hunger Force

Season/Volume: Volume 7

Genre: Comedy

Starring: Dave Willis, Dana Snyder

Studio: Cartoon Network

Runtime: 127 Minutes

Release Date: June 1, 2010

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

Rating: 2.86 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B-

Crazy, insane, moments (a lot of them) of what just happened are just a few ways to describe the cartoon Aqua Teen Hunger Force. This cartoon consist of 4 characters, Frylock, Master Shake, Meatwad, and Carl. It’s tough to really come close to explaining this show to anyone that hasn’t seen it and for anyone that has not much needs to be said about it. Most of all how can anyone have come up with a show that involves it’s characters to be a floating box of French fries, a large talking shake, and a meat ball that rolls around while living in the same house next door to a man who would make most people move as soon as they saw him.

In the volume 7 the three of them get into their normal adventures, which are nothing like anything that can be described as normal or near to it. This show is so insane that it’s funny, though at times it’s a little sick and sad, not boo hoo sad but shake your head in disgust sad. Yet, I have watched the show over the years and still find it funny. It’s hard not to find Frylock building a set of legs for himself to woo the female computer repairman but of course all that happens is insanity. There’s also the episode where a pink man is trying to destroy he moon, yeah that’s right a pink man trying to destroy the moon.

Aqua Teen Huger Force is really crazy but it is funny though it’s a show that people will either like or hate it, no real in between for this show. The humor takes some getting used to because it can be really dark with such acts as having the characters die off, in gruesome ways. One thing that Aqua Teen Hunger Force has is a very unique and creative stories making all the strangeness and craziness in the show stand out and also makes the show fun to watch. The only problem that I’ve always had with the show is that it’s only 15 minutes long. But with the way the shows are and the content of them 15 minutes is a long time.

One of the best features on this DVD is that it has some really good bonus features. With a behind the scenes feature of the making of the live action show to ring tones that are just down right hilarious. These features however don’t make up for the fact that there is only one DVD that holds 127 minutes to watch. Also, the cover to the DVD case goes with the theme of the show, crazy and a little on the disturbing side.


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