>> Black Butler: Season One, Part 2 (2011)

Show: Black Butler

Season/Volume: Season One, Part 2

Genre: Anime

Starring: J. Michael Tatum, Brina Palencia, Monica Rial, R. Bruce Elliott

Studio: Funimation

Runtime: 300 Minutes

Release Date: March 8, 2011

Format: DVD

Discs: 2

Rating: 4.35 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A+

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If you go to Hulu.com or Funimation.com you can catch episodes of the series for free subbed or dubbed.

Ciel and his Butler, Sebastian, continue on their quest to track down the powers responsible for the death of Ciel's parents. As we come to a close here in the second installment of season one more then Ciel’s revenge arc is revealed as we learn more about the Phantomhive staff and their origins as well as meet some new characters that help bend the inevitable fate of Ciel’s soul towards oblivion.

Black Butler is one of those anime that just transcends the anime world. The period approach placing our story in Victorian England, the use of light and dark in contrast with everything from the animation style to the characters to certain idea’s cast throughout the series. The music is also epically grand from the hyper acoustic guitar intro to the operatic moody closing music and everything in between. Everything just manages to grab your attention and pull you into the series so that your unable to look away even for a second. I know because as the first disc ends with Ciel and Sebastian in a major bind I told myself it was late (going on eleven thirty at night) and that I should go to bed, but, maybe after watching the next episode on the second disc, that I found myself concluding the series in the early morning hours of today. Sure there were a couple of episodes that were basically filler, the staff origins episode for one, but once you begin the series you will want to see it through to the end.

So the adventures we find in this concluding half of season one include Sebastian possibly meeting his match in Agni, the butler of an Indian Prince who has attached himself to Ciel after disrupting a fight in the street Sebastian and Ciel find themselves in the middle of. This arc runs for about three episodes. We switch from religion to the paranormal as the Phantomhive company purchase a castle that is possibly inhabited by ghosts which have forced Ciel’s workforce to shut down repairs on the property. Ciel and Sebastian investigate only to find a shocking truth about the property they have inherited and its dark past. The rest of the episodes kick off the finale which incorporates more of a religious angle as the Queen sends Ciel, her loyal attack dog, to investigate a cult which plans on overthrowing the government. What Ciel and Sebastian find is more then they bargained for and gives us a glimpse at the road that will inevitably lead to Ciel either getting his much warranted revenge or die alongside his faithful butler.

As I said before, the power of the series truly draws you in and the finale will absolutely not disappoint. There is both a sense of closure that will gratify your curiosities as well as leave the door open for more to come. The bonus features include two commentary tracks, textless opening and closing sequences, and a bonus feature which I have read is an OVA titled His Butler, Performs. I don’t know when you should be watching this OVA. I watched it at the conclusion of the series as it was a bonus feature which made no sense since given the finale and its scenario. Still, it was a pretty funny episode which works as a stand alone and even offer more to come. All in all I loved this series to the end. Well worth checking out. Enjoy.





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