>> Bob: The Complete Series (2012)

Show: Bob

Season/Volume: 1

Genre: Comedy

Starring: Bob Newhart, Betty White, Cynthia Stevenson, Lisa Kudrow, Timothy Fall, Carlene Watkins

Studio: Paramount

Runtime: 781 minutes

Release Date: April 3, 2012

Format: DVD

Discs: 4

Rating: 1.78 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D+

Bonus Features

Interviews with Bob Newhart and Betty White, Mad Dog issue 1 on DVD

In the 50’s artist Bob McKay (played by Bob Newhart) created the comic book called Mad Dog, a hero who has the powers of a dog. After only 12 issues the comic was canceled and Bob had to go to work as a greeting card artist. Years pass with Bob working in the greeting card industry even though he don’t care much for it when out of the blue he gets a call from a comic book publisher who wants to buy Mad Dog. After all the years of doing a crummy job with greeting cards Bob finally gets another chance at doing what he loves, drawing the comic book Mad Dog. But again Bob’s luck continues to follow him with the character when the comic company is bought out and all the comic book creators are fired. Now Bob has to go back into greeting cards just so that he can support his wife Kaye (played by Carlene Watkins) and his grown daughter Trisha (played by Cynthia Stevenson).

Early 90’s sitcom in all it’s unglory is on display with Bob. Laugh tracks, bad jokes, the same jokes, bland comedy, and the lead actor who plays the same way as every other character he’s ever played. Bob has a plot that would typically be one that I would like by being about comic books but aside from the that and the references that’s thrown out this show was just horribly boring. The format of the episodes where all basically the same with having the jokes coming nearly every other word that’s said, a problem to give the show some body, and then the happy ending. At times it was ok, but the jokes were being forced making them unfunny.
What I disliked about Bob was Bob himself. Though I like Bob Newhart, I like him in moderation, but this show was gave me way too much of his nervous acting, the stuttering, and how he always seemed to be in a state of confusion. At first the bumbling act was ok but after 12 episodes I was annoyed with it and by the time I finished the series I was not wanting to see anymore of this show. The show didn’t really develop any, even when Mad Dog was canceled the characters that worked at the comic book publishing was replaced with different actors but characters that acted the same way. With the aged jokes and the poor picture quality, Bob was not that much fun to watch. Even with Betty White on the second season the show couldn’t pull out any laughs for me.


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