>> Corpse Princess: Part Two (2010)

Show: Corpse Princess

Season/Volume: Part Two

Genre: Anime

Starring: J. Michael Tatum, Luci Christian, Aaron Dismuke

Studio: Funimation Prod

Runtime: 300 minutes

Release Date: September 14, 2010

Format: DVD

Discs: 2

Rating: 0.90 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D-

Official Site

Bonus Features:

Bonus features are pretty much the same as they were in Part One.

I’ve had some trouble getting into Corpse Princess. The series is 100% drama, even to a degree that it becomes redundantly overdramatic. Ouri and his inherited Shikabane Hime Makina have had a rocky start all through Corpse Princess: Part One as they both come to terms with what’s happening to them individually and as a bonded pair. The villains that finally emerged in the series, The Seven Stars, remain as mysteriously shrouded as they did in their first appearance in Part One but there is little doubt that they are the villains of the story. Part Two marks the end for the Corpse Princess anime but when all is said and done will we find gratification?

Okay so let me just clear the air by saying “WHAT?” I’m not even sure how this anime ends. For the most part the story has no real flow to it and the characters, the many characters, just seem to whine an awful lot as much as they muse on with their wise storytelling in between battles. In that respect it completely reminded me of Bleach, another anime that I could never really get into for the same reason. There just isn’t enough time or story to really bond you to any one character and not really any effort to do so. Not even the two main characters who honestly never bond themselves. Its like your waiting and waiting for something to happen that’s going to put all the pieces together and then you reach this stalemate. As profound and abstract as the final episode is it may very well be one of the worst endings to an anime series that I have ever seen. Basically if your into constant battles, an overdose portion of drama, and busty women in skimpy outfits you may end up enjoying this anime on some level but for me it just didn’t go anywhere, grow as a story, or redeem any of its characters that trudge along slow and lamely. Ouri for example has this dark secret that is never really truly dealt with. Makina never ceases to be this character that you can't really find any reason to love and her bond with Ouri never really comes to fruition even with the mortal issues he faces having her as his Shikabane Hime. Nothing gets resolved and if it does its so sloppy and simple. I find it hard to recommend Corpse Princess. As always final judgment falls to you.


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