>> Gene Simmons Family Jewels: Season 6 Volume 1 (2012)

Show: Gene Simmons Family Jewels

Season/Volume: 6/1

Genre: Reality

Starring: Gene Simmons, Shannon Tweed, Nick Simmons, Sophie Simmons

Studio: A&E Home Video

Runtime: 572 minutes

Release Date: June 12, 2012

Format: DVD

Discs: 3

Rating: 1.81 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C-

Bonus Features

8 Previously unreleased episodes from Season 5

Even with being in his 60’s, Gene Simmons has a very active life. Though this very famous rock star also has many problems that make his active life a tough life. Being in a long term, very long term, relationship with his girl-friend Shannon Tweed, the couple have yet to take the plunge into being married, even though Shannon would like to be. With their two children, son Nick and daughter Sophie, Gene and Shannon have allowed A&E to follow them in their every day lives so that the world can get a inside look at what it’s like to live a rock and roll lifestyle.

Gene Simmons Family Jewels has been on for 6 seasons, yeah it was a surprise to me when I saw that. I’ve seen commercials for the show, not often but enough where I knew it was on, though I kind of forgot about the show and just figured it was over with. Afterall, how much can there be said and shown with Gene Simmons? Sure I know he’s a legendary rock and roller, nearly everyone knows the band KISS, and they know that hair of his, but still is that enough for a show to be made that lasts 6 seasons? Evidently there must be because the show has made it for six seasons and I just got done watching a 3 disc, 17 episodes of the show.

Ok, so there were really only 9 episodes from season 6 on this DVD, the other 8 episodes are bonus episodes from season 5 that were unreleased, until now that is. In season 6 volume 1, Gene Simmons is have problems at home with his relationship with Shannon Tweed. Being the famous Gene Simmons means people know him, it also means that he has women flocking around him vying for his attention and/or more from him. It’s when some photos appear on the internet that Shannon sees of Gene walking with 2 young women on his arms that’s the last straw for her. No longer wanting to be the woman that is just his girl-friend as he goes around doing whatever he wants and possibly doing it with other women, Shannon leaves Gene. Hoping that going to therapy will help him figure out how to keep Shannon, Gene finds out that he has more problems than he originally figured.

I got to say this show wasn’t that entertaining for me. Watching this family that’s pretty normal yet at the same time very abnormal, it wasn’t that much different than the lives of people I already know. Oh take away the money, the fame, the huge manor of a house, and what’s left is a family where the father don’t want to marry the mother because of his fear of commitment, a mother who is tired of the lies and waiting, and the kids who just want their parents to be happy. The only thing that makes this different and a little interesting is the money, the fame, and the huge manor of a house they live in. I was more interested in seeing what reaction Gene Simmons would have that came from being rich and famous. For example the moment when he and Shannon where out shopping and a couch that she wanted to buy was like $23,000, that’s right 23 thousand dollars, and his reaction at hearing the price of that was funny. So was the moment when Shannon drove a tank and the army guy said to Gene that one would cost him a couple million and his retort was in a flat tone of oh thank you.

It was those reactions that were funny, but the rest of the show, when he’s meeting his lost family, going to the grave of his father, dealing with Shannon leaving him, not being around for some of the big moments in his childrens lives, all of that was not interesting to me. At times the show seems like it was scripted and plotted out, making it less interesting to me. It sometimes feels like this is supposed to be some sort of mockumentary rather than a show that has cameras following a family.


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