>> Ghost Hunters International Season 2: Part 1 (2012)

Show: Ghost Hunters International

Season/Volume: Season 2: Part 1

Genre: Reality

Starring: Andy Andrews, Brian Hrnois, Donna La Criox, Dustin Pari, Karl Pfeiffer


Runtime: 500 minutes

Release Date: March 13, 2012

Format: DVD

Discs: 4

Rating: 2.94 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B-

Official Site

Ghost Hunters International comes to DVD with the first half of its second season on Syfy. In this collection we traverse with the crew to some pretty interesting locations that feature some interesting, though not mind blowing enough for a skeptic like me, phenomenon. The team also welcomes aboard yet another new member.

If you’ve ever been on a Ghost Walk (Lord knows I have been, several times) then what your seeing with Ghost Hunters is pretty much the same thing, only with a lot of added hullabaloo. 13 episodes take you to some beautiful locations where your walked around the property and given a history of strange and unusual things that have gone on, intertwined with the actual back history of the place and the people who occupied it as it was from the ground up. Everything else is left up to speculation, weather you believe in ghosts or do not.

I’m a hardcore skeptic. It reminds me of when “magicians” like Chris Angel and David Blaine decided to do TV specials and I just sat there wondering if anyone else had it in mind that while your limited to the show version of what’s going on, any of it could be digitally manipulated to create belief. Is there really a mist walking around the Wicklow Gaol jail cells, is Hitler’s Ghost really alive and well, if there are spirits (I’ve personally never come across any) can they manifest themselves into energy so that they can physically touch you? I’m sorry, there’s just too much of this whole haunted investigations racket that leaves much to be desired. That’s my two cents on the subject anyway.

For everyone else that loves this stuff (included in this crowd is the rest of my entire immediate family) then this is definitely for you. Like I said, there are a lot of beautiful places the crew visit to do their investigations and tons of back history given out on these locations. I’m always down for a little history lesson on famous places. Even as a skeptic though I felt like this installment of the second season, well, lacked any real big wow moments. I’m sorry if I can’t believe the crew every time they claim to have been touched or felt something pass through them. If I can’t see it or experience it what’s it to me? The things they do capture on camera are limited and reacted to with just a bit to much dramatics for my liking. While I do love to hear the EVP’s, again, this is Television. Maybe their real and maybe their just created to seem real. I know. The cover for the DVD says in big brick letters followed by an apostrophe and encased in a chalky box that its “ALL REAL!, but again, if I can’t touch it, see it, experience it I’m afraid I just can’t go along with it. In any case for its targeted demographic it seems to be all good, plus as an extra you get bonus footage to check out. As always final judgment is yours. Enjoy.


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