>> Ghost Hunters: Season 7 Part 2 (2012)

Show: Ghost Hunters

Season/Volume: 7/2

Genre: Reality, Sci-Fi/Fantasy

Starring: Grant Wilson, Jason Hawes


Runtime: 570 minutes

Release Date: October 2, 2012

Format: DVD

Discs: 4

Rating: 2.12 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C

Bonus Features

Includes Never Before Seen Bonus Footage

Grant Wilson and Jason Hawes are still going strong as the Ghost Hunters as they search for the unexplained. The team of TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Society) continue on their quest to find the spooky unexplained happenings that make the hairs on your neck stand up and the chair in the living room to rock on it's own.

I must have watched too many episodes of Ghost Hunters because a a show that first held no interest or entertainment for me is starting to grow on me. I got to say that the show has a good idea for what people would like to watch. And that's a show trying to prove that there are spirits/ghosts/voices or anything of the paranormal really do exists in our world. One minor flaw in this is that they never really prove it, not that I saw they did but I want 100% proof that there's a ghost before I got believing it. Then gain I did try to want to believe them and there where times that I did get the creepy feeling up my spine in the possibility, but when the show was over I didn't see any ghost or anything to make me believe there are ghosts.

Now that might make it sound as if I liked the show, not really, I mean it has grown on me where I'm not tired of it before the first episode is only half over. But it still only took a few episodes before I got bored of watching Grant and Jason search for a ghost or trying to explain what's going on. The show just gets tiresome after watching the same thing over and over again even with the different locations nothing really changes. The group find a new location, they talk about it, they talk to the people that have had the experience or encounter, they walk around at night, everything is green, and then they find out that there wasn't a ghost. With every episode I was waiting for the action to really start but it never really does, even when they get freaked out, it only made me chuckle a few times and then wonder why I just spent those 40 minutes watching the show. Ghost Hunters might be growing on me but it still don't rank as one of the shows that I have to watch because with every episode I get what the last one was.

Now I can't say the show is completely bad because there is one saving grace about it, the stories that come along with each location. It's the stories I like that get told during the episodes to explain what is going on with each location and it's supposed haunting. The stories are the most interesting parts to the show and is the driving force that kept me watching it. But let me tell you this, if these guys were able to prove without any doubt that ghosts or spirits do exist and are real in one of the episode, then not only will I have to eat my words but I'll probably become a fan of the show. However, the one thing that I just hate about this DVD set has nothing to do with the show itself but the packaging of the discs. I've said it before, and I might have mentioned it with my review for Part 1 of Season 7, that the DVD's come stacked on top of each other with no space between them. Before I was more worried about the disc rubbing on each other to cause scratches but I would rather had that then the way this set came to me. Inside the case where the prongs hold all 4 discs on top of each other was broke. So, instead of the discs sitting on top of each other they where flopping all around the case, sliding on each other and grinding on the broken pieces of plastic. If they packaged this with each disc being held on it's own then only 1 of them would been scuffed or scratched, but with them stacked, all 4 are now scratched.



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