>> G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero: Series 2 Season 2 (2012)

Show: G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero

Season/Volume: 2/2

Genre: Action/Adventure, Anime, Kids

Starring: Chris Latta, Maurice LaMarche

Studio: Shout! Factory

Runtime: 420 minutes

Release Date: July 10, 2012

Format: DVD

Discs: 3

Rating: 3.83 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B-

Bonus Features

Retrospective Featurette with Hasbro Toy Team

The threat of Cobra still exists but so does the team that will always do what needs to be done to stop that threat, G.I. Joe. With still trying to take over the world, Cobra Commander will do anything he can to achieve his goals, even if it means buying an amusement park. Ready to take the call, Duke, Snake Eyes, and General Hawk always make sure they put an end to the evil that Cobra is cooking up.

Here it is, Series 2 of the cartoon based off the very popular toy line as well as the comic book series. However, this is, as it says on the cover, Series 2, of the cartoon and it’s the last season of the show that came out in 1991. G.I. Joe A Real American Hero is nearly the same as the original but not quite the same. What is the same is the basic plot of good vs. evil, the good being the Joes and the evil being Cobra. Some other similarities are Snake Eyes, General Hawk, Duke, Cobra Commander, and Destro being in it as well as having the corny plots where the evil Cobra organization thinks things like turning everyone into bugs is a good plan to taking over the world. These are some of the good parts of the show, the plots of stupidly funny, they are good natured, and they just make me laugh.
On the flip side there where some changes done to this series from the original that even in 1991 made it look bad. One being that Hasbro got a different company to do the show, DiC, and the company wanted to have the show with new characters rather than the old ones. The artwork on the series wasn’t as good as before but it’s still not too bad, the characters look like who they should and they still wear those corny vibrant outfits.

Though I got to confess, those are the only things that are a downside to the show and they aren’t that big of a deal. The new characters were both good and bad, bad being that they were new when was wanting the originals but the good is that the new characters opened up new stories, it gave new people to like, and they were still G.I. Joe characters. One thing that DiC did when getting the rights to do the show that I think helped the show the most is that they kept with the shows continuity from before. Sure we got new characters but the show didn’t change becoming some new show with new plots and new characters. It was continuing on where the show was only with new characters and that helps out a lot. Along with that the good natured theme of the show remains as well as the thought that might does not make right. What makes G.I. Joe A Real American Hero so good is the good natured theme that it has along with the fact that even though you have the power to do something you shouldn’t do it in a bad/evil way and when you do good will find a way to stop you, even the underdogs. Though I don’t think I ever got used to Storm Shadow being a good guy but I still had lots of fun watching this show.


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