>> Gunslinger Girl: Il Teatrino (BLU-RAY) (2010)

Show: Gunslinger Girl

Season/Volume: 2

Genre: Anime

Starring: Luci Christian, Caitlin Glass, Laura Bailey

Studio: Funimation

Runtime: 320 minutes

Release Date: March 16, 2010

Format: BLU-RAY

Discs: 2

Rating: 1.75 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D+

Official Site

The little girls of the Social Welfare Agency are back and still kicking butt. Gone are the aspects that made them human and all that remains is an outer shell encasing the latest robotic technology, making them the best trained assassins.

Season 2 is more artistic than the first season. It's also more colorful which works well for the Blu-ray version. While it does look better, it's still not extremely great. The audio is just as good as before too.

Textless Songs, Trailers

After the amount of extra content included with the first season, I was expecting either more or at least the same amount. Sadly neither of those appear to be true with is kind of a disappointment. It seems they put everything with the first season and left nothing for the second. 

Once again, Gunslinger Girls is something that is wasted on Blu-ray, even more so with Il Teatrino. It's best to save your money and simply get the DVD version, you won't be missing out.


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