>> Jabberjaw: Complete Series (2011)

Show: Jabberjaw

Season/Volume: Complete Series

Genre: Action/Adventure, Anime, Comedy, Kids

Starring: Barry Gordon, Frank Welker, Tommy Cook, Julie McWhirter, Pat Parris

Studio: Warner Home Video

Runtime: 336 minutes

Release Date: February 15, 2011

Format: DVD

Discs: 4

Rating: 2.55 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C+

Special Features


In the year 2076 the band The Neptunes are the popular underwater band that tours the underwater cities. While the band members are really groovy it’s there air-breathing, talking, great white shark Jabberjaw that’s the main attraction. Going to all the different cities to sing their songs, the Neptunes and Jabberjaw fight off menacing villains and sea monsters. It’s not all roses and monsters though for Jabberjaw because being a giant 15 foot shark has him dealing with the “Shark Ejectors”, guards that don’t allow sharks into the cities.

What it Reminded Me Of:
First thing anyone with a knowledge of old slapstick comedy acts will notice with the character ‘Jabberjaw’ is that he sounds and almost looks like ‘Curly’ from the show “The Three Stooges”. Not only that but ‘Jabberjaw’ has a tagline made famous by the comedian Rodney Dangerfield of saying “No respect”. He’s not the only one that seems familiar though. The rest of the band members look like a knock off of a mixture of “Scooby-Doo” and “Josie and the Pussycats”, just not as funny or cool.  

What Made Me Like Jabberjaw:
I liked it because it’s so simplistically stupid of a cartoon. Here the main character is a talking shark that not only can talk, breath air, but also plays the drums in a band and no one seems to really care. That is other than the “Shark Ejectors” who don’t want to let any shark in the city, but come on, if you was living in a underwater city would you really want a shark that can breath air in it? It’s because of this little thing of the talking shark that makes the show work.

Well, it also has the help of all the underwater puns being used in it. Most of the time they are not the smartest of puns but they are good for a chuckle. Because of how the cartoon is just a mindless show filled with bad puns, corny villains, and so unrealistic characters it’s actually fun to watch. It’s also really easy to watch and makes for good relaxing cartoon to watch that’s not filled with any crazy looking dressed up people that the shows make no sense as to what is going on other than some dancing and music.

This is a cartoon that was made when plot lines was being used, though they weren’t the most brilliant of plot lines, they were still there. They also carried a message for the kids that watched them, that was to have fun, music is fun, and most importantly do good things and don’t try to take over the undersea world. But what I liked the most was all the great sound effects. All those bleeps, bloops, boops, bings, dings, rings, and everything else that is used is just great. In fact for me the sound effects used makes the show better and if they wasn’t there the show would have just been so boring.

What I didn’t Like About Jabberjaw:
Most of all the plots were the same. Sure I said above they are good and fun to watch, and they are, but when watching every episode back to back they get to be the same. Also, there was no originality to the characters. The talking animal that is part of the group that is clumsy, a little on the dim witted side, and blunders into things but is good hearted was done before this cartoon and done better. Other than, the show was really fun to watch.


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