>> Joseph Campbell and The Power of Myth (2010)

Show: Joseph Campbell and The Power of Myth with Bill Moyers

Genre: Educational

Starring: Joseph Campbell, Bill Moyers

Studio: Athena

Runtime: 342 minutes

Release Date: September 21, 2010

Format: DVD

Discs: 2

Notes: DVD extras include: never- before-released conversation with Campbell from Bill Moyer’s Journal. Interview with George Lucas. 12-page viewer’s guide with profiles of artists influenced by Campbell, animal symbolism in myths, and more.

Rating: 4.50 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A+

Official Site

When I was a teenager, there were only two things worth watching on PBS…British reruns and the Power of Myth (so yes, I cannot deny my nerdity).  For those who are unfamiliar with this program, the Power of Myth is a series of interviews between Joseph Campbell, an expert on comparative mythology, and journalist Bill Moyers.  Over six episodes, they discuss the similarity of myths from various cultures, how those myths still affect our daily lives and how it is possible to use these myths to understand what it means to be human.  

I was blown away when I first saw it as a teen, and I’m still impressed by the miniseries.  In fact, now that I’m older I’m even more impressed by it.  There was a lot that I didn’t quite understand then, that makes more sense with a couple of decades under my belt.  Part of the beauty of the program is the engaging interview between Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyers.  These are two men who truly seem to be enjoying the conversation, as well as each other’s company.  Joseph Campbell just exudes this joy in sharing his passion for what truly connects each and every one of us.  And Bill Moyers does an excellent job of keeping the subject matter from going over one’s head.  This is fascinating stuff and if it’s not required viewing in schools, then there is something truly wrong with society as a whole.

The one thing that kind of amazes me now is how much footage from Star Wars is used throughout the series as a modern example of mythology.  Granted, George Lucas was heavily influenced by the works of Joseph Campbell, who himself was a big fan of the film.  And the majority of the series was filmed at Skywalker Ranch.  But considering how much of a lockdown there is on anything Star Wars related these days, it’s odd to see it used to freely in a PBS series.   Heck, there’s even a George Lucas interview as a bonus feature.  So there’s another added bonus to get you to watch this thing.  

This is truly one of the rare times I would call something “essential viewing.”  This series is something everyone should see and experience at least once.  But honestly, one should revisit it every now and again just to see how much more you glean with added age and experience.  So quit reading this and go order yourself a copy and watch it now.  Do it.  DO IT.


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