>> Patton 360: The Complete Season 1 (BLU-RAY) (2010)

Show: Patton 360

Season/Volume: The Complete Season 1

Genre: Educational

Starring: Errol James Snyder

Studio: A&E Home Video

Runtime: 470 minutes

Release Date: September 28, 2010

Format: BLU-RAY

Discs: 2

Rating: 2.36 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C+

Official Site

Patton 360 is simply an amazing series that takes you to the frontline of Patton’s most hard fought victories using interviews with some of Patton’s men, archive footage, and CGI renderings of the positions Patton placed his fighting forces. Old Blood and Guts has never been so well fleshed out since the 1970 Oscar winning film Patton.

I was a bit disappointed in what History Channel attempted to do artistically with the design of this series. Archive footage is obviously cleaned up a bit but you still have scratches, lines running straight down through the picture now and again, as would be expected but for some reason there is a constant grid being displayed in the background. Believe me there is so much going on in this series between documented battles, CGI displays, interviews, and the constant narration explaining everything in minute detail. Having the quality of the archive footage as it is it seemed like a complete waste of technology putting in the shifting mapping grid behind the picture. The CGI portions are decent but the animations are bland and basic. The only really stand out HD segments are the interviews done with Patton’s men and military personal but they make up a small percentage of the series as a whole. Audio is fantastic, as it should be for this type of documentary, with a DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 soundtrack. Narration meshes well with background noise and the dialogue on the disc is orchestrated not to coincide with some of the more thematic elements of the documentaries sound.

Surprisingly none. I guess when you have a title such as Patton 360 there isn’t much left out of the main documentary. Still there could have been some behind the scenes footage on how the documentary was made, the people who helped it come together, or maybe even a special on Patton being portrayed in film and or the War. I could probably think of a hundred different should haves but all together this is one exciting series that never drags.   



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