>> Sesame Street: 20 Years...and Still Counting! (2010)

Show: Sesame Street: 20 Years...and Still Counting!

Genre: Family

Starring: Ray Charles, Jim Henson, Frank Oz, Bill Cosby, Plácido Domingo

Studio: Jim Henson Company

Runtime: July 13, 2010

Release Date: July 13, 2010

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

Rating: 3.79 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

Official Site

No need to get out the calculator, Sesame Street has been on the air far longer then 20 years. The title of this latest DVD release, Sesame Street: 20 Years and Counting, is a special that was originally broadcast on television in 1989 hosted by Bill Cosby and features lost legends like Jim Henson himself and Ray Charles. It might occur to you to ask what would be the purpose of releasing this special on DVD now? For some it might be a first time viewing and for others a nostalgic look back to a moment in Sesame Street history that defined just how far a simple idea had come along.

Consider this a little history lesson about Sesame Street. One that is less an episode of the show and more a visual history of sorts as you make your way through the many achievements Jim Henson and his silly monsters have accomplished. You learn that Sesame Street wasn’t just some show that taught children whatever whenever but that the show appeared in a chronological state according to a certain curriculum that was being followed. You learn that Sesame Street is broadcast in over 80 different Countries as we watch Ernie sing the Rubber Ducky song in several different languages. Were introduced to the children of Sesame Street and then reintroduced to them as grown ups. There is just so much information about the production that you never even realized even when it was right under your nose. I would suggest giving it a rental unless your sure that you want to own it. It really is a great special but barren as far as any improvements go. There are no special features, no commentaries, no bonus episodes of Sesame Street or character/voice over bio’s. Nothing. Still, well worth checking out to learn things you never knew about one of the longest running educational programs in history. Enjoy.


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