>> Shades (2012)

Show: Shades

Season/Volume: 1

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi/Fantasy

Starring: Stephen Tompkinson, Dervla Kirwan

Studio: Acorn Media

Runtime: 296 Minutes

Release Date: February 14, 2012

Format: DVD

Discs: 2

Rating: 2.85 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B-

Official Site

“Shades” is a British TV show that had its debut in 1999. They had 6 episodes and each episode was an hour long. The show follows Mark (Stephen Tompkinson) and Maeve (Dervla Kirwan), who are two recently deceased people that form an unusual friendship. Mark died during hernia surgery and left behind a wife and two kids while Maeve was hit by a car and was having an affair with a married man that was cheating on her too. Their loved ones can’t see them, but they can talk with total strangers, but are forgotten once they leave. Also, they get shocked when they try to touch living people. It was a very interesting concept that made for a good TV show.

This show was a big surprise to me, because I actually enjoyed watching it. Mark and Maeve try to figure what happened to them as they try to adjust to being deceased. I thought it was cool how they showed you how death is dealt with from the perspective of the family and friends as well as the deceased person. Both characters were really likable and I felt a connection to them and what they were trying to achieve. This was a well-written show that really made me think that these things could possibly happen.

The show also did a good job of mixing the drama, comedy, and sci-fi elements into a good show, but there were a couple of things they could have changed to make the show even better. I loved the music and it added a lot to the emotions of the scenes. However, there were a couple of scenes where the music was so loud, I could not hear what the characters were talking about. Also, I enjoyed all the twist and turns, but wished the TV series were longer or had more episodes. Lastly, I wished they would have included some extras so I could learn more about the show because I enjoyed it so much.

I thought this was a great show, but some minor improvements could have been made to make it even better. I would recommend it to others because I think everyone would enjoy it as much as I did. There are a lot of things about the show that will make you think differently about death and the afterlife. For those reasons, I am giving this show a “B-.” 


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