>> Sons of the City: New York (2011)

Show: Sons of the City

Genre: Other

Starring: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Bob Cousy, Connie Hawkins, Chris Mullin, Kenny Smith

Studio: Image Entertainment

Runtime: 55 Minutes

Release Date: May 17, 2011

Format: BLU-RAY

Rating: 0.85 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D-

Simple Arithmetic

The 24 second shot clock was proposed by Danny Biasone who got the figure by dividing the game time by 120. This was because he figured 60 shots per team was the minimum to keep the games exciting.

Comprised of old footage and new interviews Sons of the City: New York provides a career-centric biography of some of the NBA's greatest stars hailing from The Big Apple.  Sons of the City: New York is a collection of focus pieces, each running approximately five minutes.  The older footage retains its original aspect ratio, providing an authenticity that conforming to standard wide-screens would disrupt, while the interviews are shot and shown with the modern widescreen HD technology.  Special features include an expanded piece on Dolph Schayes, NBA Legends interview with Johnny Hoops: Bernard King, and five other expanded interviews about various New York players.

While a great buy for an avid New York basketball fan, the market for such an audience may be too small for this title to do well. As someone who is not interested in basketball, there was no appeal. I often found myself checking the time index hoping more than twenty minutes had past and was always disappointed that it had been less than ten.

If you fill the tight niche that this type of offering appeals to, I heartily suggest you check out Sons of the City: New York. If you are not, then I can not suggest it.


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