>> Tenchi In Tokyo: The Complete Series (2012)

Show: Tenchi In Tokyo

Season/Volume: The Complete Series

Genre: Anime, Comedy, Sci-Fi/Fantasy

Starring: Petrea Burchard, Matthew K. Miller, Jennifer Darling

Studio: Funimation

Runtime: 650 minutes

Release Date: November 20, 2012

Format: DVD

Discs: 4

Rating: 3.79 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

Official Site

While Tenchi In Tokyo was not one of the most well received installments in the franchise due to several changes in the franchises canon it’s still a rather enjoyable installment. With character back story change ups, the addition of a few new characters, and even a shift in the animation quality, I enjoyed Tenchi In Tokyo just as much as the rest of the series.

In this installment Tenchi has decided to move to Tokyo, a major surprise for everyone, including Tenchi’s own father. His plan is to study under Dokuzen Tsuchida, a temple priest, to train to become a Kanuushi so that he can take proper care of his family shrine. At first the girls are distraught by Tenchi’s departure but, as always, they find a way to force themselves into Tenchi’s life.

Tenchi is eager and willing to do whatever it takes to learn all he needs to know to protect his families shrine but he also has school duties to deal with. It’s at school that Tenchi meets a new girl named Sakuya Kumashiro, a beautiful but mysterious new love interest for Tenchi. Tenchi is taken by her and it’s not long before the two of them begin seeing one another, much to the dismay of his fan club back home.

Meanwhile there is a mysterious entity known as Yugi who keeps interfering with the Masaki family and their day to day lives. Joining her are three minions that she pulls from the air and together they both aid and harm Tenchi and everyone he knows. Why? As the series unfolds all is revealed.

Despite whatever changes there are I think you’d have to be a really hardcore fan to be bothered by them. While I do consider the Tenchi series to be my foot in the door when it comes to anime in series form, I’m not a total fanatic that I need to pick everything apart so that it fits what I’m comfortable with. As far as I’m concerned the show is still as hilarious as its always been, the characters are written well enough that you still grow to love them and worry about them in the grand scheme of things, and the main story arc was engaging enough to keep you watching. You’ve got spirits, aliens, pirates, villains, love, outer space, and some pretty interesting concepts that come together well. So as always, this one is a keeper. I highly suggest.



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