>> The Story of Math: Collection (2013)

Show: The Story of Math

Season/Volume: 1

Genre: Educational

Starring: Professor Marcus du Sautoy

Studio: Acorn Media

Runtime: 484 minutes

Release Date: January 15, 2013

Format: DVD

Discs: 5

Rating: 3.85 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A-

Bonus Features

Three Math Shorts, 20 Page Viewer's Guide for the Story of Math, 12 Page Viewer's Guide for The Code, Biographies

Math, it's in everything that we do, whether you want to know that or not or even know what that means, it's still there. I couldn't write this review if not for math, I couldn't drive my car, walk down the street, or do survive without it. You might think I'm crazy but it's very much true. Think about it for a second, oh look you just did math when doing time. Really though, math is everything and it has been around for a very, very, very long time and used in so many different ways that it seems unreal. But where does math come from, what is the story of math?
Well, that's what this DVD talks about, the story of math. It's pretty simple and straight to the point, what you are going to be watching is history of numbers, how some started, where they got there start, why they are used, and so much more. These kinds of documentaries I find really interesting and this one was no exception. Though I'm not that great with math I'm also not too bad with it either so when Oxford University professor Marcus du Sautoy starts talking about how one country from thousands of years ago did math I was hooked from the start. The professor keeps the topic interesting without it becoming stale or boring, which could easily happen, we all know that from school, while he also had me wanting to try to figure out how certain methods worked.

There's so much information on this collection that I will have to watch it again, and I will and I will still find it interesting. Marcus du Sautoy tells a interesting story about how math has been around for a long time but at times I would have liked a little more information. He does a great job in telling enough to inform you how some methods worked or who used them but only enough to let you know that they exist. This is not a full math lesson, I didn't go away from it knowing how to work out the solution to how fast it will take light to reach the moon and back to my house but I did find out that there are many ways to use numbers. The Story of Math could also be called Math Around the World because Professor Marcus du Sautoy takes us around the world talking about how math was/is used in Greece, Europe, and other locations. He explains how math has evolved from using some lines in clay to what we do now. Even with this being almost 4 hours I was really entertained with watch it and came away having a better respect for math than I did when I started watching.

Added in with this DVD set is the series The Code. On his search for how numbers make the universe work, Professor Marcus du Sautoy explains how the hidden code of numbers are built into the laws of the universe are filled with a sequence of numbers. For the professor, the universe is ruled by a mathematical formula that contains patterns of numbers he believes connects us all to the universe. His theories were very interesting and did make me think about how numbers do some odd things with and in life as well as the world being even odder. I would have liked to had more a in depth explanations about the theories that Marcus du Sautoy has but these two documentaries were interesting, the topic is fresh, but most of it’s fun to watch.



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