>> The Venture Bros.: Season Two (2007)

Show: The Venture Bros.

Season/Volume: Season Two

Genre: Comedy

Studio: Warner Home Video

Runtime: 295 Minutes

Release Date: April 17, 2007

Discs: 2

Rating: 4.25 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A

Here’s a review I could probably write while unconscious. There’s not a doubt in my head that this is one of the best shows on television.  Season one was where Doc Hammer and Jackson Publick, the show’s creators, found their niche. Season Two is where they have been given oodles of cash and free reign to do what they will and I couldn’t be happier. This show boils over with deviant humor, glorious violence, and fantastically sharp pop culture references from ages past. It’s also one of the few cartoons today that takes the medium seriously enough to employ hand-drawn cells instead of the usual quick, cheap looking software animation.

The special features here in Season Two aren’t going to knock you on your ass, but when a show is this good you don’t need a lot. There’s the standard episode commentary from cast and crew members as well as deleted scenes. The only other feature is a pretty nice one and that is the Tour of Astro-Base Go. This is a quick look at the two minds behind the show, shot as an old documentary/initiation film. It’s entirely worth watching though somewhat short.

Just buy this damn thing. There’s really nothing else I should need to say.


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