>> Titan Maximum: Season 1 (2010)

Show: Titan Maximum

Season/Volume: Season 1

Genre: Action/Adventure, Comedy

Starring: Breckin Meyer, Rachael Leigh Cook, Seth Green, Dan Milano, Billy Dee Williams, Eden Espinosa

Studio: Cartoon Network

Runtime: 114 Minutes

Release Date: August 10, 2010

Format: DVD

Rating: 3.75 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

Official Site

When the world is in trouble Titan Maximum is there to save the day and to have a little fun doing it. Making up Titan Maximum is the Titan Force 5. There’s Palmer (voiced by Breckin Meyer), the leader who only cares about himself and how many women he can get, Jodi (voiced by Rachael Leigh Cook), the girl next door who wants to be good, Sasha (voice by Eden Espinosa) the girl who only cares about being seen and seen as the sex symbol, Willie (voiced by Dan Milano) the little brother to Palmer and the one that helps build the ships, and Leon (voice by Dan Milano) the silent monkey janitor.

Titan Maximum is a parody on just about every show that involves a team that fights crime as a giant robot that’s formed by individual ships. It’s also made by  using stop motion animation, which always impresses me in how hard it is for something like this is to be made. The show is really funny because it’s so crude. The characters cuss, they have sex, they drink, and there’s a monkey that always has the same look on his face no matter the situation he’s in, all of which is what makes the show work.

For a show that is stop motion animation, the characters have some great detail to them and the movements are really smooth. Though the show is only 15 minutes there is a little cinematic feel to some of the shots in the show. Some of the shots just don’t look like they belong with a 15 minute animation show so seeing it on the show makes it a little better.

I have to bring up the sets that were used on the show as well because they were hand made on a miniature scale. As much detail as there is in the characters I think there is three times as much detail in the sets. There is still the look of being fake, and the surfaces still look like toys, but it all fits with the show and looks good. For a show that’s only 15 minutes long it packs a lot in it and has such voices of Billy Dee Williams and Rachael Leigh Cook.

If the show is not enough for you though, take a look at the special features. One of the best features is the behind the scenes showing what’s going on in the making of the show. Getting to see and hear what it’s like to have to go through making a stop motion animation was really cool because I had no clue what all went into an episode. Not to be outdone by the behind the scenes feature, there’s the anatomy of a sequence that shows one sequence going from the drawing stage to the finished product. Actually there are a ton of special features on this that is worth watching all of them.


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