>> Touching Evil: The Complete Collection (2010)

Show: Touching Evil

Genre: Drama

Starring: Robson Greene, Nicola Walker

Studio: Acorn Media

Runtime: 780 minutes

Release Date: July 6, 2010

Format: DVD

Discs: 5

Rating: 3.40 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

The US Version

Touching Evil was adapted by the USA Network in 2004 featuring Jeffrey Donovan (Burn Notice) and Vera Farmiga (Up in the Air). However, the show was dropped by the network after only one season.

Detective Inspector Dave Creegan (Robson Green) comes back to work after miraculously surviving a bullet wound to the head, and joins a division of the Organized and Serial Crime (OSC) to tackle some of the most heinous crimes. His colleagues, including his partner D.I. Susan Taylor (Nicola Walker), often do not agree with his unconventional methods which mostly rely on Creegan’s instincts, and some even believe that he is a completely changed man. As his wife leaves him, he shows some signs of mental instability and becomes even more obsessive with his work. However, his head injury somehow helps him to access the minds of serial killers, sociopaths, and psychopaths. 
The crimes in Touching Evil are not necessarily groundbreaking by today’s standards, however, the motivations behind the violent acts are really evil (and unfortunately, interesting), and crime scenes are sometimes gory. Thus, the series is not for the faint of heart and weak of stomach. For instance, in addition to gruesome crimes such as a sickening international pedophile ring, felonies include one murderer who removes the heart from the victims, one who kidnaps young boys and films them until they die, and one who burns the victims alive. There are charred bodies, mutilated body parts, and corpses. The stories are not the only thing that is very dark; literally, the film sets and locations, from crime scenes to even the OSC office, are dark. Certainly, these dark scenes create an extra eerie and creepy atmosphere, but they can be depressing too.
Touching Evil is not about catching bad guys and their legal proceedings, instead, the plots focuses more on why serial killers commit evil acts and how they did it. The show comes with a good amount of mystery, suspense and twists. Additionally, the main character will have an emotional crisis of his own in almost every episode, and has to confront his own personal demons. Therefore, he does not get overshadowed by a creepy guest character. The series should appeal to those who enjoy bold British crime drama about abnormal and cynical human behaviors. This box set includes all eight episodes from the three seasons of the show.


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