>> Tracey Takes On... (2009)

Show: Tracey Takes On...

Season/Volume: The Complete Seasons 3 & 4

Genre: Comedy

Starring: Tracey Ullman, Hugh Laurie, Cheech Marin, Danny Trejo, Helen Mirren, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Corbin Bernsen, Bob Costas

Studio: Vivendi Entertainment

Runtime: 381 Minutes

Release Date: July 14, 2009

Format: DVD

Discs: 3

Rating: 1.36 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D+

Official Site

This 3-DVD set contains the final two seasons of the HBO comedy series "Tracey Takes On..." based on characters created and performed by Tracey Ullman. Each episode focuses on a particular subject (Sports, Love, Agents, Loss, etc.) in a sequence of hilarious scenes involving a number of Ullman-created characters.

BONUS FEATURES Includes 72 Minutes of Never- Before-Seen Shows!

Special Guests include: Hugh Laurie (House) Julie Kavner (The Simpsons) Cheech Marin (Cars, Cheech & Chong) Michael McKean (Spinal Tap, Best In Show) Billy Connolly (Boondock Saints, The Aristocrats) Jennifer Jason Leigh (Fast Times At Ridgemont High) Corbin Bernsen (Psych, Major League)

Well the people have spoken, as pertains to the amount of buyers over at Amazon who have discovered that The Complete Final Seasons are in fact edited in some way that only someone who has watched the show would know. I’m not one of them but the amount of people who have complained about it leads me to believe its true. In any case that’s only a fraction of the problems that I found with the content of the set.

Ullman has been hanging onto the limelight for quite some time now. Many of you will probably know her as the woman whose show, which seemingly disappeared, spawned one of the most successful cartoon sitcoms of all time. Others might know her from bit roles in films like Mel Brook’s Robin Hood Men In Tights, Small Time Crooks, or her voice over roles in Corpse Bride and Tale of Despereaux. I haven’t come across many people who boast about her work though. In this set I managed a few chuckles which is pretty sad seeing as how the total run time for the set is approximately 381 minutes long. Ullman’s characters range from absolutely annoying and uninteresting to decent but with poor delivery. I usually go into a show or film not expecting much but I had this wild expectation that Ullman would be able to capture the dry wit of the British comedy scene and combine it with the edgy more pop culture drawn American comedy. What I got was a show with a lack of confidence that pushed the envelope with raunchy dialogue but lacked the redeeming quality that makes that kind of humor forgivable and sets it in a more substantiated light. Coming in at the other end is that American humor that I was talking about which simply falls flat, somehow, in a way that I can’t quite put my finger on. Is it a translation barrier perhaps? Not sure. In the end though the humor just isn’t there.



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