>> Single Dads: Season 1

Show: Single Dads

Episode(s): Season 1

Genre: Comedy

Starring: Pete Karinen and Brian Sacca

Network: Fox International Channels

Airdate/Time: January 20, 2011 12:03pm

Rating: 3.35 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

Official Site


Pete and Brian's Fact Checkers Unit starring Bill Murray became a official selection of the 2008 Sundance Film Festival.

There have been many films, television shows, and songs written about the single mother but very few have been written about the single dad. Meet Pete and Brian, two single Dad’s raising their two baby boys, Pete Jr. and Theodore. See what its like on the other side of the coin when these two clueless guys face the challenges of diaper changes, making time for the ladies, and shoving their kids downhill in their strollers to see which one’s baby would win in a race sans parent.  Can they accomplish the task of raising their children and finding love or will our boys find themselves getting a visit From CPS?

Attention Span Media is the social media agency for the show and that makes sense. Each episode runs no shorter then one minute and no longer then three. Its like a moment in the lives of Pete and Brian and those moments are usually pretty shocking. Pete being the level headed one, sort of, usually has to remind Brian that things like serving coffee to your baby are bad and that sometimes its okay to bath your baby, especially when you can’t, literally, remember the last time you did. Along the way we meet other characters such as Pete’s Dad Jim Pearson, absolutely not the best father in the world, as well as Brian’s landlady Molly who hates Brian but is dating Pete. Awkward! In any case the few minutes that each episode takes you can usually find these guys trying, but mostly failing, at being responsible father figures to Pete Jr. and Theodore. So head over to Hulu and catch all 15 episodes of season one of Single Dad’s and get ready for more parenthood adventures of Pete and Brian coming later this month and prepare to be shocked, awed, and entertained.


Hulu Channel


Pete and Brian



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