>> The Next Iron Chef: Season 3 (PREVIEW)

Show: The Next Iron Chef

Episode(s): Season 3, Episode 1

Genre: Reality

Starring: Alton Brown, Mark Dacascos

Network: Food Network

Airdate/Time: October 3, 2010 9:00pm

Rating: 1.95 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C

Official Site

The first episode of "The Next Iron Chef" opens up with a fast paced preview of what's coming in the new season - showing new exotic locations and intense backdrops, with a grandiose score to back it up. The show is continuing the same formula that the other two seasons have followed.This time, the show starts in Vegas and right away gave the contestants 30 minutes prepare an "igenious" twist on a sandwich that reflects who they are. In an attempt to mix things up, the contestants are told to critique each other's work.

The second challenge in the episode is the first REAL challenge because whoever loses this round will be eliminated. In the challenge, the host asks the contestants to pick one ingredient they would want on a "desert island", then led them to the beach with one hour to prepare a dish with an array of tropical ingredients.

My first impression of the show was not great due to the over dramatizing of everything. Throughout the show they were using over-the-top orchestral music and brash sound effects.

I found the overwrought elements to be distracting and unnecessary since there doesn't seem to be a lot at stake for the contestants here. All the chefs are well established and already have had successful careers. There was even a chef who was named Esquire's "Chef of The Year".

I find that in order for competitive shows to be engaging there has to be a real sense of significance for the contestants. To me this just seems to be about putting a new trophy on their wall. The upside of this though is that all of these chefs knew what they were doing and each of their plates looked delicious. I don't think I have ever salivated that often within an single hour.

Another benefit of having professional chefs is that there is very little melodrama between contestants that typically plagues these type of shows. If you are looking for a drama filled show, look elsewhere. Here it's all about the food!

Regarding the reality TV "formula" though, this show doesn't try anything new. That isn't so much a bad thing if it does it well, if not better than other shows out there. Unfortunately, though, it doesn't - The host doesn't give any insight into the art of the food nor is he particularly charismatic. The judges don't have quite as good chemistry or personality as they should. I would be more forgiving of these problems if it wasn't for the fact that the show is in their third season.

It seems the producers know this and decided to be nonchalant or plain ridiculous with all the elements outside of the food. One such example is the brief appearance of "The Chairman," who is actor Mark Dacascos.  The show makes him out to be "The Chairman" of Iron Chef and whatever that implies. When Dacascos is there, he is extremely dramatic and the show acknowledges this by adding a woosh sound affect every time he looks to a new camera.

To sum up, "The Next Iron Chef" is a showcase of talented cooking set to a competitive show background. If you are looking for reality TV melodrama look elsewhere, but if all you care about is tasty food, and you also enjoy the cheesiness and fast pace of competitive TV than this is the show for you. It may never be as popular as Project Runway or American Idol due to its apparent lack of significance to the contestants or a forgettable cast, but it will be entertaining enough for fans of culinary art.


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