>> The Golden Boys (2009)

Screening Date: April 15, 2009*

Title: The Golden Boys

Genre: Drama

Starring: David Carradine, Rip Torn, Bruce Dern, Mariel Hemingway

Director: Daniel Adams

Studio: Roadside Attractions

Runtime: 1 Hour, 37 Minutes

In Theatres: April 17, 2009

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*Screening Date always subject to change or cancellation

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-Charlotte (NC)-

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A romantic comedy set in 1905 on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, “The Golden Boys” is the story of three retired sea captains who keep house together as a way to moderate the loneliness of their retirements.  As the story begins, chaos reigns in the house; dirty dishes, dust and disorder have become their bane.  Together they hatch a plan to solve the problem: they flip coins, and the loser must get married and take the other two in as boarders.  The three captains are Zebulon “Zeb” Hedge (DAVID CARRADINE), Perez Ryder (BRUCE DERN), and Jeremiah (“Jerry”) Burgess (RIP TORN).  Jerry loses the coin toss, and they run an advertisement in a Boston newspaper to entice a prospective bride.

In the days that follow Captain Zeb learns that Web Saunders (JOHN SAVAGE), the local billiard hall proprietor, has received his “original-package” license, meaning he can sell alcohol.  This enrages many townspeople, especially the “Come-Outers” -- a group of religious zealots that worship in groups in members’ houses each week.  One particular “Come-Outer,” Captain John Bartlett (CHARLES DURNING), an octogenarian of infirm health, is a close friend of Captain Zeb. In a public meeting, Bartlett makes it clear that he wishes to destroy Web Saunders’ billiard hall.

Meanwhile, the captains receive twenty seven replies to their advertisement, and settle on one: a woman from Nantucket named Martha Snow.  The three captains go to meet Mrs. Snow, but through a mix-up at the station, they mistakenly identify her as a very unattractive passenger, and Captain Jerry retreats to Zeb’s fish shanty, refusing to meet her. Zeb greets the real Mrs. Snow (MARIEL HEMINGWAY), escorts her to the local hotel, making an excuse for Jerry.

Later that night a fire erupts at the billiard hall, and the entire town, lacking a fire department, works furiously to put out the fire.  Zeb searches for his friend Bartlett, finding him unconscious, apparently running away from the fire. Bartlett’s overcoat is singed, and an empty bottle, which smells like kerosene, is found in his pocket. Zeb throws the bottle away, hides the coat in the bushes, and fetches the doctor. The next morning he tries to find the overcoat, but it is gone.

It is decided that Bartlett will recuperate at the captains’ house.  Since Jerry is still reluctant to marry at this point (even though the real Mrs. Snow is quite appealing), they use the excuse of Captain Bartlett’s illness as a reason to put off any talk of marriage.  Instead, they hire Mrs. Snow to nurse Bartlett back to health, and in so doing, they get the best of both worlds: a woman to take care of the house, cook meals, and take care of their friend, without the pressure of marriage.  However, their luck is tied to Bartlett’s health; if he dies, Jerry will have to marry Mrs. Snow, who has endeared herself to all three men with her strong-willed personality, sensible nature, and great cooking.  Perez, a lifelong bachelor, in particular seems to be suddenly interested in Mrs. Snow, but he’s also trying to avoid the interest of town gossip Melissa Busteed (ANGELICA TORN).

Bartlett’s condition seems to be worsening.  Soon, his granddaughter, beautiful Elisabeth Preston (CHRISTY SCOTT CASHMAN), a student at Radcliffe, arrives. She gets the attention of young and handsome chief electrician at the off-shore inter-continental cable station, Ralph Hazeltine (JASON ALAN SMITH). The attraction seems mutual.

Suddenly, after receiving a letter, Elisabeth starts to act erratically.  Eventually Zeb gets to the bottom of Elisabeth’s sudden change in behavior: she is being blackmailed by Web Saunders, who found Bartlett’s overcoat and has threatened to expose Bartlett as an arsonist if he is not paid.  Zeb takes matters into his own hands, and, through cleverness and sheer will, ends the blackmail.

Bartlett finally expires, and the pressure is back on Jerry to propose to Mrs. Snow. Jerry begs for a month to get up the nerve to ask her, but Perez and Zeb only agree to one week.  A few days later, a violent northeast storm hits. Zeb gets word that a there has been a shipwreck, and he makes his way to the life-saving station on the outer beach, to see if he can assist in the rescue. Instead, he finds the lifesaving crew in jeopardy, clinging for their lives to their overturned lifeboat.  Risking his own life, Zeb launches a small skiff into the wild sea and massive waves, and although he arrives too late to save everyone, is able to rescue one crew member.

Through the ordeal, he realizes all he could think about was Martha Snow. Returning home, he immediately proposes to her, she accepts, and he is now faced with telling his old friend Jerry.

He seems to take the news hard, but as soon as he is alone, he dances a few steps of a jig and thanks heaven for his good fortune.


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