Focus Features

Hyde Park on Hudson

Academy Awardr nominees Bill Murray and Laura Linney star in this engaging and romantic look at one of the most pivotal meetings in history. As Great Britain faces an imminent war with Germany, US President Franklin D.... Read more

For A Good Time, Call...

Ari Graynor (Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist), Lauren Anne Miller (50/50), Justin Long (Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story) and Nia Vardalos (My Big Fat Greek Wedding) star in this hilarious and sexy comedy.... Read more


Tina Fey and Paul Rudd star in director Paul Weitz's comedy about an uptight Princeton admissions officer who encounters a teenage prodigy who may be her long-lost son while recruiting students from an alternative high school.... Read more

Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day

Academy Award® nominee Amy Adams (Enchanted) and Academy Award® winner Frances McDormand star in this charming comedy about finding a new life and a new love, all in one day.... Read more

Promised Land

Matt Damon stars in Promised Land, the compelling contemporary drama based on an original screenplay by John Krasinski and Damon and directed by Gus Van Sant (Milk, Good Will Hunting).... Read more

Anna Karenina

Director Joe Wright reteams with Keira Knightley for this version of Anna Karenina, which boasts a script by Tom Stoppard.... Read more

For A Good Time, Call...

Whether you’re about to head out to college for the first time or are looking to share an apartment in city, finding a suitable roommate is a daunting task, one that doesn’t always end up with someone you actually enjoy being around.... Read more


Writer/director Chris Butler puts his experience working on Coraline and Tim Burton's The Corpse Bride to good use in this charmingly morbid tale of an eccentric young hero facing supernatural forces that would make most grown-ups cower in fear.... Read more

The Yankee Comandante

George Clooney is attached to direct The Yankee Comandante, a Focus Features drama based on a New Yorker article about an American who assisted Fidel Castro and other Cuban rebels overthrow the reigning Fulgencio Batista in Cuba.... Read more
