>> It's Alive: Human Resources (2010)

Artist: It's Alive

Album: Human Resources

Genre: Rock

Label: Wind-Up

Tracks: 12

Release Date: May 25, 2010

Rating: 2.80 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B-

Official Site

I recently got the opportunity to review ”It's Alive's” debut album "Human Resources". “It’s Alive” is a Florida based band in their 20’s, majority of the members have been together since they were in their teens. The song styling is reminiscence of some of Linkin Park’s latest album.  The lead singer could probably pass for Linkin Parks’ Chester Bennington’s younger brother before puberty. I say it is like Linkin Park’s latter album because they do not have any of the rap style singings.

“Human Resources” starts off loud and rocking with their singles “Bottom” continues that through to “Pieces” then slows down at the end with “Fool For You” and Can’t Love Me”. I did go into to this thinking “oh great, what is this going to be?” but I did see the Wind-up label and thought a little different, but by the end of the album I found myself a fan. I do believe “It’s Alive” did a good job with their debut album, maybe the following one they will do a little different to make themselves stand out more. They are young and they have a long way to go in the business. If you are into Linkin Park style of sound and the voice like Fuel’s front man Brett Scallions mixed with a little of Chester Bennington, then you should pick it up and take a listen.


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