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Derek Richardson

Prep & Landing

Wayne, a Christmas elf, has been part of the elite organization known as "Prep & Landing", whose job is to ready millions of homes around the world for Santa Claus's visit, for 227 years and is looking forward to getting promoted.... Read more

Prep & Landing

Wayne, a Christmas elf, has been part of the elite organization known as "Prep & Landing", whose job is to ready millions of homes around the world for Santa Claus's visit, for 227 years and is looking forward to getting promoted.... Read more

Prep & Landing (PREVIEW)

When Wayne (Voiced by Kids in the Hall‘s Dave Foley), an Elf that has worked in Prep & Landing for 227 years, is passed up for a promotion at work his Christmas spirit hit’s an all time low which effects his work ethic.... Read more

Prep & Landing

When Wayne (Voiced by Kids in the Hall‘s Dave Foley), an Elf that has worked in Prep & Landing for 227 years, is passed up for a promotion at work his Christmas spirit hit’s an all time low which effects his work ethic.... Read more