Avatar (BLU-RAY)


On Blu-Ray: 
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Running Time: 
2 Hours, 42 Minutes

Should you double-dip this one and buy the "lean and mean" now and a bigger version later? Yes.

There has been a lot of talk about the "bare bones" release of 'Avatar' (or "lean and mean" as Fox would prefer press to refer to it as).  Yes, this Blu-Ray has no special features.  No behind-the-scenes, no making of, no commentary, no deleted scenes, nothing.  But, does it effect the enjoyment?

Incredible.  When the trailers first his for this movie, I was not impressed but after seeing it in theaters and now on blu-ray, it is amazing.  The CGI is flawless and the sound is completely lossless.

Ummm, none.  Didn't we just go through that?  Though, the blu-ray edition does features the standard DVD as well which is a pretty big bonus feature.

The movie is incredible, period.  From a story standpoint, sure, it's not all that original or anything but the huge leap in motion capture really makes up for it.  Afterall, the story isn't BAD by any means, it's just kind of a new take on Pocahontas.  The lack of bonus features doesn't really bother me all that much and, I would guess, wouldn't REALLY bother the majority of those that are complaining.  Do you really want to watch a 2 hour featurette on the CGI process?  For a movie like this, yes, I would watch a making of because it was an incredible process but it would just be a single watch.  If you want that, go to youtube and watch it (or just see below).  It's amazing, but I'm sure you won't want to watch it more than once.  What would be nice is the fabled deleted scenes but you can expect that in a stronger release in a few months.  A 3D version?  At home 3D is likely a fad and I think Cameron knows that.  Don't wait to pick this one up, it's probably worth a double-dip.


Peter Oberth
Review by Peter Oberth
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