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Lost Girl: Hail, Hale (PREVIEW)

Lost Girl

Hail Hale
Regular Air Date: 
Mondays @ 10/9C
Air Date: 
Sunday, September 12, 2010
On DVD: 
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
On Blu-Ray: 
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Typically I would give a description of what the show is about but I really don't know because I've never seen Lost Girl before now. I did however look it up to see what the show was about and in short, it's about a succubus named Bo (played by Anna Silk) trying to figure out her past while dealing with being a succubus. Not much information to really go on going into the episode right before the season 3 finale, which is why I was so completely and utterly lost watching "Hail, Hale" of Lost Girl. If I hade been watching the show up till this point I'm sure I would have been able to follow along easily but I haven't and this was my first introduction to all these characters so for me I just sat back and tried to enjoy and follow what was going on.

Now that you know that bit of information I can get on with what I thought of the show. Well, it's following what we all know works, sex sells. The women of Lost Girl are all very good looking with the right body parts being shown off and all of them being put in situations that is, well, very sexy. It's not fully an eye candy show but for me it about turned into being just that because I really couldn't follow along with the characters. When the events happen (nope I won't say what events) I can't say that I was shocked that they did but it does make for a good lead in to the season finale that follows this episode. It wasn't such an action type show like I thought it was going to be, rather, it's more of a thriller/follow along show to see what the characters were going to do to each other.

It seems like the characters of the show are well developed because they have a good flow with each other, even though not all of them like each other. It did take me a few minutes to pick out who was the main character and it's not just because I never seen the show before, but added to never seeing it there's just so many character to follow along with. I didn't know who was supposed to be the good guys and who where the bad and with there being Bo the succubus I just didn't quite catch that she was the main character. There's just a large cast of people on this show having a lot of interaction with each other as they all set to work on some master plan. Still, I just couldn't follow so by near the end I gave in and just watched it for the visual please of the show. Which I can say this show looks good, from the actors that are on it (all of which are very good looking people), the colors are good where they set the mood and atmosphere, and though I didn't get what was going on there is a story that's being followed. Acting still leaves a little to be desired but it's not too bad. At times it felt like the actors just didn't believe what the show is about nor who their characters are and that made it come across in their acting.


Lee Roberts
Review by Lee Roberts
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