Mark Ruffalo

Sympathy For Delicious (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Sympathy For Delicious is the soundtrack to actor Mark Ruffalo’s directorial debut. The story is about a man named “Delicious” Dean O’Dwyer, a DJ, who is paralyzed in a car accident.... Read more

The Kids Are All Right (BLU-RAY)

Oscar Nominee’s Annette Bening and Julianne Moore star as partners Nic and Jules whose children, produced through artificial insemination, meet the sperm donor their parents used to conceive them with. When the kids meet Paul (Mark Ruffalo) they take to him and introduce him to their parents.... Read more

Brad Pitt to Play Mob Enforcer in 'Cogan's Trade'

Brad Pitt is reteaming with Andrew Dominik, his director of The Assassination of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford, for a comedic crime story titled Cogan’s Trade. The project, being financed by Inferno, is being unveiled at the American Film Market.... Read more

Mark Ruffalo is the new Hulk

Here's a tiny tidbit of Avengers news for ya: Mark Ruffalo told New York Magazine's Vulture blog that he will be playing the Hulk as well as Bruce Banner in the planned film.... Read more

Mark Ruffalo Rumoured As The Hulk

Now that the fallout from the Edward Norton controversy is beginning to settle, with comments from all sides and the actor definitely ditched from The Avengers, talk is naturally starting to turn to a replacement Bruce Banner. The latest name touted for the role? Mark Ruffalo.... Read more

The Kids are All Right

The son of a same-sex couple seeks out the sperm donor who made his birth possible in this comedy from writer/director Lisa Cholodenko.... Read more

Shutter Island (BLU-RAY)

Marshal Teddy Daniels arrives at Shutter Island, an asylum for the criminally insane, to help locate a missing person/patient.... Read more
