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Robert Zemeckis

Flight (BLU-RAY)

Despite the prominence of it in the trailer and all the marketing, Flight, starring Denzel Washington, is not about a plane crash.... Read more

AFI's Master Class: The Art of Collaboration (PREVIEW)

On January 14, TCM will present the third episode in their AFI's Master Class - The Art of Collaboration series with director Robert Zemeckis and cinematographer Don Burgess as guests.... Read more

AFI's Master Class: The Art of Collaboration

On January 14, TCM will present the third episode in their AFI's Master Class - The Art of Collaboration series with director Robert Zemeckis and cinematographer Don Burgess as guests.... Read more


Robert Zemeckis has spent the last decade directing computer animated motion-capture films, but he returns to live action cinema with the gripping plane crash of Flight.... Read more

Forrest Gump

"Stupid is as stupid does," says Forrest Gump (played by Tom Hanks in an Oscar-winning performance) as he discusses his relative level of intelligence with a stranger while waiting for a bus.... Read more

Cast Away

An exploration of human survival and the ability of fate to alter even the tidiest of lives with one major event, Cast Away tells the story of Chuck Noland (Tom Hanks), a Federal Express engineer who devotes most of his life to his troubleshooting job.... Read more

Disney Cancels Zemeckis' Yellow Submarine Remake

When he looks back over his life, we’d have to guess that this will not go down as Robert Zemeckis’ favourite week. He started it off watching the latest performance capture ‘toon he produced, Mars Needs Moms, crash and burn and the box office.... Read more

A Christmas Carol (BLU-RAY)

The budget Disney set for A Christmas Carol was really seemingly so high for 2 reasons; 1) Hopes that it would live on every Christmas like The Polar Express, which took a few years to earn it's budget back and/or 2) To "take one for the team" and advance the digital technology a little further. ... Read more

Back To The Future: 25th Anniversary Trilogy (BLU-RAY)

What’s there to be said about this trilogy that hasn’t already been said? If you haven’t seen it, chances are good you’ve seen some sort of cultural tribute to it. It’s just that powerful. And it’s wild to finally see it out on Blu-Ray. It’s funny, goofy, adventurous and a ton of fun.... Read more
