Tom Sizemore

Weaponized (Exclusive Clip)

Weaponized (Exclusive Clip)

After a blatant terrorist attack on the Pentagon, and the resulting new war on terror, private military contractor Kyle Norris (Tom Sizemore) facilitates the development of a bio-mechanical weapons program by Professor Clarence Peterson (Mickey Rourke).... Read more

513 Degrees

Brothers Mike and Tre set out in search of better lives, trying to leave their demons behind for good. After being released from prison for a crime he didn't commit, Mike's only care in the world is to protect his young daughter from an unforgiving ex.... Read more

Company of Heroes

INSPIRED BY TRUE EVENTS A company of American soldiers is lost behind enemy lines during the Battle of the Bulge and makes a horrific discovery -- a super bomb in development.... Read more

Black Hawk Down

A quickly forgotten chapter in United States military history is relived in this harrowing war drama from director Ridley Scott, based on a series of Philadelphia Inquirer articles and subsequent book by reporter Mark Bowden.... Read more

Saving Private Ryan

Steven Spielberg directed this powerful, realistic re-creation of WWII's D-day invasion and the immediate aftermath. The story opens with a prologue in which a veteran brings his family to the American cemetery at Normandy, and a flashback then joins Capt.... Read more

Saving Private Ryan (BLU-RAY)

When it came out, a lot of press was made about the long and brutal opening battle sequence.  Some thought it was too much, others thought that it captured the terrifying experience that it truly was and was the first movie to really encompass what war is like.... Read more

Natural Born Killers

A frenetic, bloody look at mass murder and the mass media, director Oliver Stone's extremely controversial film divided critics and audiences with its mixture of over-the-top violence and bitter cultural satire.... Read more