Ed Harris


Artist Jackson Pollock revolutionized American painting in the 1940's with his exciting abstract canvases that used dripped and splattered paint in a manner at once excitingly physical and structurally intelligent.... Read more

Ed Harris

By transforming into his characters and pulling the audience in, Ed Harris has earned the reputation as one of the most talented actors of our time. Born in Tenafly, New Jersey, Harris grew up as the middle child.... Read more


Oliver Stone, the most outspokenly political American filmmaker of the 1980s and '90s, directs this epic-length biography of Richard Nixon, the 37th President of the U.S., who was re-elected by a landslide in 1972, only to resign in disgrace two years later.... Read more

The Hours

Three women, separated by a span of nearly 80 years, find themselves weathering similar crises, all linked by a single work of literature in this film adaptation of the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by Michael Cunningham.... Read more

A Beautiful Mind

The true story of prominent mathematician John Forbes Nash Jr. is the subject of this biographical drama from director Ron Howard. Russell Crowe stars as the brilliant but arrogant and conceited professor Nash.... Read more

Man On A Ledge

Nick Cassidy (Sam Worthington) is a man ready to die. It's important you know that. After escaping from Sing Sing Prison on a major robbery scandal, Nick has found himself with little to live for.... Read more

Man On a Ledge

An NYPD hostage negotiator (Elizabeth Banks) attempts to talk cop-turned-fugitive Nick Cassidy (Sam Worthington) down from a high ledge, but she learns that he may have a hidden motive for threatening to take his own life. ... Read more
Salvation Boulevard TRAILER

Salvation Boulevard TRAILER

Salvation Boulevard - Jennifer Connelly, Greg Kinnear, Marisa Tomei, Pierce Brosnan, Ed Harris, Ciaran Hinds ... Read more

Ed Harris Could Fight World War Z

With the cameras set to start cranking and the undead scoundrels ready to start stumbling and groaning for director Marc Foster this month, the cast for World War Z is beginning to swell. The latest names looking to sign on? Ed Harris, Matthew Fox and French actress Julia Levy-Boeken.... Read more

The Way Back (BLU-RAY)

Gee, and I thought I needed chapstick. ... Read more
