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Joe Lo Truglio


 We've all been there: Expensive apartment, a soul-crushing job and no financial stability in sight.... Read more

Joe Lo Truglio: The Interview (Paul)

Joe Lo Truglio was born in Queens and raised in Florida. He attended NYU Film school and co-founded the sketch group,” The State.” (Which also had a show on MTV for 2 years). He has also had roles in numerous projects such as Superbad, Fanboys, Hitch, and Reno 911.... Read more

Paul (BLU-RAY)

Not long ago, maybe less then a year, I reacquainted myself with the works of Nick Frost and Simon Pegg. Basically Spaced, Shaun of the Dead, and Hot Fuzz. The first time I watched their two films I hated them.... Read more


Aliens in film have typically been portrayed as grotesque looking space creatures that come to Earth to enslave its inhabitants.... Read more

RED CARPET VIDEO: I Love You, Man Premiere!

For the red carpet premiere of I Love You, Man, I was unfortunately stuck with the other dot com’s—at the end of the red carpet. Thus, I barely saw Paul Rudd and Jason Segel, which sucks because I had my questions all prepared.... Read more
RED CARPET VIDEO: I Love You, Man Premiere!

RED CARPET VIDEO: I Love You, Man Premiere!

For the red carpet premiere of I Love You, Man, I was unfortunately stuck with the other dot com’s—at the end of the red carpet. Thus, I barely saw Paul Rudd and Jason Segel, which sucks because I had my questions all prepared.... Read more