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Hamish Anderson

Hamish Anderson

Having made a name for himself across the local scene for his impressive live show that encompasses a mix of blues, rock and folk with moments of loud, electric blues-soaked songs as well as delicate acoustic balladry, Hamish Anderson’s debut EP comes armed with a host of noteworthy tunes and a songwriting and vocal maturity well beyond his twenty-one years.

After topping the Triple J Unearthed charts in the pop/rock category with a demo track, Hamish picked up his guitar and headed to Sydney to record a five-track EP in BJB Studio with American producer Eric J. Dubowsky (Art vs. Science, Weezer, Bluejuice). The EP was engineered by Jean-Paul Fung (Birds of Tokyo, Last Dinosaurs, Silverchair) and mastered by Brian Lucey (The Black Keys, Dr John, The Shins).

Ever fall off a ladder?

Hasn’t happened yet (luckily)

Have you ever dyed your hair?

Never, all natural.

Ever built anything?


Last time you went grocery shopping?

2 days ago at Walgreens, stocking up on as much American candy and junk food that I can.

Favorite room in the house and why?

My back room, all my music gear is down there and it’s a great spot for writing. Acoustics are pretty good down there too!

Something you still have from your childhood?

I still have my first concert ticket from when I saw The Who in Melbourne when I was 12 years old! Amazing concert.

Any pets?

Two dogs (Ziggy and Layla), one boy one girl.

White or chocolate milk?

Definitely chocolate milk.

How did Foo Fighters' Rami Jaffee end up on your album?

When we were recording “Howl” we had laid down the bass, drums and guitar and I was talking about how I wanted some organ on the track. The producer Eric Dubowsky was talking about how he knew Rami and how we should send him the song and if he liked it he might just play on it. A few days later we received the track back with amazing organ parts on it and a really lovely text from Rami talking about how much he liked the song! Later when we were recording Rami was actually in Australia touring with the Foo Fighters and he dropped by the studio to play on another track “Smoke and Mirrors”, it was great to actually see him work in person!

After your demo topped the charts, did you feel a lot of pressure when recording your debut EP?

That’s a tough one…yes and no. I think you always feel pressure to want to try and do the best that you can do but you can’t let it totally take over. I think after the demo got to number 1 for it’s genre it gave me some confidence with what I was doing and that really helped when recording the EP.

Interview by Kara Johnson