

(Mr Averell)
Release Date: 
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

In the world of music there are some bands that like to go for the weird instead of the normal when playing music. When listening to Mr. Averell's new album "Gridlock" I was astounded by what I was hearing. The music being played is so random and unoridnary that it surprised me. If I where to play the association game with these songs each song brought up different images of things like a puppet, a horror movie, and even Dracula. This music is odd and weird where on the first listening I was more stunned by what I was hearing but with each time I heard the songs I grew to like them more and more. And not it's not because they kept playing that made me like them, it's because I would hear something different each time that built the songs as well as the songs just being well played, that made me like them.