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As You Will

(The Captain Hates the Sea)
Release Date: 
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

I've listened to a lot music, I've review a lot of music, and while I have had a lot of experience in music there is and always will be new music for me to listen to. In this case it comes in the form of a blending of electornica with thrash/death metal. I got to experience this music when listening to the album As You Will by the group The Captain Hates the Sea. Everything about this album threw me off when I first listened to it. With the name of the band being a bit odd I expected more of a alternative rock group, but then the first beats of the song “Catharsis” played making me think the music was going to be a punk rock possibly metal band. Then the vocals kicked in, or I should say they exploded through the walls with all the guttural screams and grunts taking over the song.