>> Bone


Today I’m going to leave the blog short and talk about one comic rather than a bunch. Well technically it’s one large graphic novel of all the comic issues collected in the one book, but still, it’s one comic. This comic is Bone by Jeff Smith.
Bone is about the three Bones from Boneville who become stuck in this very different, very strange land that is nothing like their world. These three are Fone Bone, and his two cousins Smiley Bone and Phoney Bone. In the story there is Thorn, the girl who seems to be someone of importance from the very beginning, her grandmother Gran’Ma who races cows (no not like she has the cows race each other but she herself races the cows), the Dragon, the stupid stupid Rat Creatues, and many other assorted characters that make this comic one of the best I’ve ever read.
I don’t think I’ve laughed as much as I did while reading this comic. Each character is rich with well character. But the story is just as good because there is love, adventure, heartache, fights, a princess, the dragon, and just so much more that it’s nearly impossible to put down. I’ve read this on multiple occasions and still can’t get enough of it.
Jeff Smith has great talent with his art work as well. It’s simple, yet complex in its simplicity. It’s the art that makes this worth reading, not to diminish the story because it is just as good, but the drawings in Bone are amazing. The way some of the facial features the characters make are a story in themselves.

Bone is all black and white, but don’t let this fool you, if it was in color I think it would take away some of its appeal. Jeff Smith wrote and drew Bone from 1991 to 2004 all himself, which is amazing in itself. The comic is almost like a Lord of the Rings but in drawn format and much, so much, more funnier. It was also a self published comic, though Image comics did pick it the reprints of it later, but getting the first prints originals that Jeff Smith put out would be a hard and expensive feat to do. But Scholastic puts out some colored versions of Bone, though I have not read them I am working on getting them. Also, you can get colored versions and a lot of other kind of cool stuff from Jeff Smiths website.
Ok, I’m done now with the praise that I’ve bestowed on Bone and Jeff Smiths work, but again it’s worth it so I figured might as well put it out on my blog. Plus this week wasn’t such a big week in comics for me and I’ve only read a few, mainly all being Hulk titles and a few Spider-Mans, but that will be for next week when I plan on giving some talks about a lot more comics. Till then.

Official website: www.boneville.com/


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