>> It's all about the Tank Girl baby

It's all about the Tank Girl baby

I was introduced to Tank Girl back when I watched the movie starring Lori Petty. Great movie by the way, so if you haven’t seen it, watch it. It has a ton of witty humor, action, a good story plot, and Lori Petty when she was good. After I saw the movie I had to find out more about this character and lucky enough I learned that Tank Girl the movie was based off the comic book Tank Girl.

The character is this girl who lives in this world where it’s kind of a total disaster. After learning how to be a tank pilot, Tank Girl gets declared a criminal for her sexual behavior. Getting away in a tank she goes out to meet up with Booga, a hybrid or mutant if you will, kangaroo. That’s right, he’s a kangaroo yet he has the body of a human, aside from the tail and the talking. The two go our on these crazy, out of the mind, missions that make no sense at all and yet they make all the sense in the world.

Tank Girl is definitely one of the unique comics that has been going it’s own way. Sure some of it can be crude, and would even make some people think it’s just horrible, but me, I love the crudeness of the humor, the story lines are whacky, funny, and so very different that it makes the reader realize that there is more to a comic than just tights, flights, and fights. Though there are a lot of fights in Tank Girl.

Anyways, with that little bit of info on Tank Girl I just finished reading the 4 issue miniseries, Tank Girl The Royal Escape. Even with being used to the stories that the character has I wasn’t ready for this one. It starts off with the group, that would be Tank Girl, Booga, Jet Girl, Barney, and Jackie, after running from some kind of fight. Not sure what fight or why they were fighting but they are all messed up. To get away from one of the army guys Jet Girl throws her golden egg, yep a golden egg, at him, the egg misses, goes out a window, a golden eagle takes the egg, and Jet Girl goes into some sort of waking coma after being shot. From this point the story goes from just being mildly odd to just completely Tank Girl.

I really don’t know exactly what is going on in this miniseries, though then again with Tank Girl stories a lot of them the stories really don’t give good reasons as to why it’s happening, it just does. With only 4 issues though, as crazy as the turns that are taken in the story it gets told and by the end I was left wanting more. Didn’t get any answer to why they were fighting in the first place but there were lots of eggs in it.
Eggs? Yep. Eggs!

This part of the story just has me lost. Don’t know what’s going on with the eggs but I tell you one thing I really liked the way Tank Girl looked when she got her egg out. Booga was pretty kick ass as well with his cowboy spill. Even the story with Barney was really fun to read. Though I’m a more Tank Girl story kind of guy it was still cool to get some more of the other characters like Barney and Jackie aka Boat Girl.

Got to love those names too, Tank Girl, Jet Girl, Boat Girl. Simple, to the point and well just easy to remember, more so than trying to figure out a real name like Jackie.

Got to be ready for Tank Girl though and they are not for kids either, got to warn any parent out there just in case they might think this would be a good comic for their kids. It’s not. There’s some nudity in them and there is a lot of cussing, lots of it. It’s not good for kids, but for adults, all this bad goodness makes Tank Girl work. It’s what gives her the gritty edge that makes her stand out above the other titles and heroes.


Tank Girl Official site: www.tank-girl.com/


Yay Tank Girl

I adore her :D. Thanks so much for writing about her Lee!

It's a great comic so love

It's a great comic so love reading and talking about it. A new one comes out this Wednesday called Hairy Heroes.

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