>> New 2 laws of the Green Lantern Corps

New 2 laws of the Green Lantern Corps

There’s been an update with the laws of Oa in the Green Lantern books. In fact there’s 2 new laws to the book that’s been added. Now there are 4 new ones, the first being the lethal force against anyone in the Sinestro Corps. Second one is lethal force against any enemy of the Green Lantern Corps. Now with number 3 it’s physical relationships and love is forbidden in the Green Lantern Corps. And the last newest law is the Vega System is no longer off limits to the Green Lanterns.

What’s going on here? I still don’t agree with the lethal force against the Sinestro Corps but now it’s against any enemy of the Green Lanterns. Stop with the killing! Especially the heroes doing the killing. I’m of the old fashioned thinking where the heroes are supposed to be above killing. That’s what makes them the heroes, being able to find a way to put down the villain without resorting to killing. Now there’s just death coming from everywhere.

Anyways, there’s the other 2 laws, the no love and the Vega System. I don’t get the no love one. I mean I do in the sense that the Guardians of the Galaxy are supposed to be these beings that don’t let feelings influence them but it seems to me that they do for every choice they make. What I’ve been wondering is what makes the Guardians the Guardians? Did they just self proclaim this title cause they had the power? If so then why is it that any of the other people that have power end up being the ones they go fight? This seems to be more like what villains do, go after the people with power because they have power and they might not agree with what they think. The law with the Vega System isn’t that special, I mean it is cause it explains why the Green Lanterns wasn’t allowed into the system but other than that it’s nothing as big as them being allowed to kill and having relationships taken away.

All this is happening in the Green Lantern comics, I think mainly due to the Blackest Night story line. Which is what I’m reading right now, 98 total titles that this story line goes through, so far I’ve ready about 15 of them. Today I just got into the titles that are not the Green Lanterns, which were Adventure Comics 4 and 5 and then Justice League of America 38. The Adventure Comics dealt with Superman Prime coming back while having to fight the Black Lantern of Lex Luthor from the same Earth as him. Not sure as of yet what these titles have to do with the Blackest Night story line other than featuring and mentioning the Black Lanterns. Maybe later in the story it will get more clear but right now it just seems like these titles were given the Blackest Night title for the sole purpose of selling them. But I got to say that I’m enjoying the story so far, though not much has happened other than the black rings flying around bringing the dead back to animation. I say animation because well they’re still dead. I am looking forward to seeing how this story finishes though.


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