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By Lee Roberts

Batman RIP Happens while Variant Covers Also Happen

If you haven’t heard by now….wait I should warn you there will be SPOILERS given about Batman Incorporated #8 that came out Wednesday February 27, 2013.

Ok, that’s a good enough warning but I’ll go one step more by letting you know that I myself haven’t read the comic yet, I’m one issue behind so I don’t know the exact details of what happens but I know the outcome already. Which unless you’ve been avoiding as much as possible finding out about Batman Incorporated (which I almost did) or living under a rock then you don’t know and if you don’t then take this as a warning, I will tell you what that outcome is.
So to make it easy enough to avoid anyone finding out about it I’m going to post that bit of comic news at the bottom of this blog.

Guardians of the Galaxy is about to come out with a new series and Marvel is sticking with their lets put out as many different variant covers as possible. Right now I’m not sure how many total covers there are going to be but I’ve counted 11 so far. That’s right 11 more variant covers for another relaunched comic. Don’t get me wrong, the art work for the covers are amazing, I love the Skottie Young cover with Groot and Rocket but I’m done with the variant covers. With all the new titles being brought out, the cover prices being what they are, to add another $10-$200 for a variant cover is just too much. There’s also the huge possibility that the variant cover that you just shelled out a lot of cash for won’t actually end up being worth what you paid for it later on down the road. Sure all comics come with that risk but when I pay the now $3.99 cover price for a comic and then see it a year later in the $1 box of comics at a comic con, I’m not that upset over it, it’s not that great but it’s not that bad. However, if I spent $50-$200 on a variant and then find out that the comic is only worth $10, well then that is something that could make someone a bit angry.

Iron Man 3 has a new poster out and I’m trying to figure out what’s going on in it. Taking center stage on the poster is Tony Stark in what looks like a really beat up and nearly destroyed suit. Which is not suprising since he’s going up against the Mandarin but what is the mystery that I can’t figure out are the other 6 Iron Man suits in the background. Are they being controlled by Tony? Are they on a auto pilot escape plan since the house is exploding in the background or are there people in the suits? Could be the Mandarin has control of them, I just don’t know and the poster don’t give away any good hints as to what could be happening.

Age of Ultron #1 (also has variant covers)

Publisher: Marvel Comics
Release Date: March 6, 2013
Cover Price: $3.99
Written by: Brian Michael Bendis
Drawn by: Bryan Hitch
Plot: Part 1 of a 10 part story that brings back Ultron to the Marvel U. His quest is to wipe out all life on Earth and he might be strong enough to do it but can the heroes stop him?

Ghost #4
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Release Date: March 6, 2013
Cover Price: $2.99
Written by: Phil Noto and Kelly Sue DeConnick
Drawn by: Phil Noto
Plot: Can the imposter be stopped before he kills someone else?

Batman Incorporated #8

Publisher: DC Comics
Release Date: February 27, 2013
Cover Price $2.99 (that is if you can find it)
Written by: Grant Morrison
Drawn by: Christ Burnham
Plot: Well scroll to the end of the blog to find out the plot if you don’t know by now.

Hawkeye #8
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Release Date: February 27, 2013
Cover Price: $2..99
Written by: Matt Fraction
Drawn by: David Aja
Plot: Cherry has a mission for Clint, one that will put in him a situation where he could end up in trouble with all the gangs of New York.

Ok, here you are reading, either you just couldn’t contain yourself from scrolling down or you already know and you want to see what I have to say about it. Well, like I said I don’t know the details yet but I do know that Damian Wayne aka Robin gets killed in Batman Incorporated #8. Why? I don’t know other than to get people to buy the comic, push up sales, and get some money. I don’t see how it progresses the story any or the characters in the books because having him does that quite well. Damian put Bruce in a position where he had to consider his actions more than he did before. Sure, Bruce had Dick and Tim to look after but they aren’t his sons. He loves them, he treats them like family, but there’s a difference between that kind of family and one that’s yours. Before Bruce could do whatever and didn’t worry about what would happen to the rest of the bat family because they too where just crimefighters in his mission against crime. Damian however is his son, someone that he needs to protect, to teach, and to consider what will become of him if Bruce didn’t come home.

Some normal everyday things to consider but when you say it’s Batman that’s considering them it becomes a different story. This could be a weak point in Batman’s armor that would be open to the crazies. Though that’s kind of a negative thinking, lets go with the positive that Damian brings to the character. He is the future or was the future Batman. We who read the book know this, at least I was thinking it, that if there was ever to be someone else to take on the cape and cowl, someone who would be able to match or even be a better Batman than Bruce Wayne it would be Damian. The kid was a tough one, he was also mean, and he already killed one guy so it’s possible that the story about him being the end of Gotham (read Incorporated) then he would be a dark Batman but still a good one.
I just can’t think of any good reason to kill the kid off but it’s been done and in doing so I got to thinking how long before he is back alive? Comic books are very well known for bringing back the dead, though they are doing a little better these days about keeping the dead, dead, especially with the B listers. But that don’t mean they will keep him dead. Here’s a quick little list of characters that have been killed, and I mean actually dead, buried, and supposed to been it for them but are now back alive and kicking.
Green Arrow
Hal Jordan
Peter Parker
Martian Manhunter
Captain America
Human Torch
Iron Man
Jason Todd
Jean Grey
Barry Allen
Charles Xavier (though he’s now dead again)
Norman Osborn
Harry Osborn
And the list could go on but I said a quick list and that was actually a pretty quick list that just came to mind. But are comic deaths that important to comics? What do they really bring to the story when all of us readers are just wondering how long we are going to be without one of our favorite characters? Sometimes not long but sometimes it could be for awhile and all that means is the comic not being as good as it could be. So again, what do deaths bring to a comic or the story if the death will only be taken away later on down the road?