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By Lee Roberts

Spider-Man News That Makes Me Happy


I'll warn you again, if you don't know the news about Spider-Man then you might want to skip this but if you do know or want to know, then read on fanboys/fangirls, read on!

The spoiler that I'm talking about is one that has me extremely happy. The return of Peter Parker and The Amazing Spider-Man.

That news was first broke when this cover of the upcoming All-New Marvel Now Previews was leaked.

From that point it was pretty much known, maybe not officially confirmed, but known that Peter Parker was coming back this year. Though not a surprise, anyone that reads comics knows that most the time the dead don't stay dead and so with Peter Parker we have been awaiting that return.

Now it's official, it was told that Peter Parker will be returning to his own body and the title The Amazing Spider-Man will be his return. And here is the art that has been released for that return.

So now that the news is out, there are other questions that have to be asked. Such as...
1) How will he return?
2) What will happen to Doc Ock?
3) What will become of the title Superior Spider-Man?
4) What about Miguel O'Hara?
5) How will Peter deal with the violence and killing that Doc Ock did as Spider-Man?
6) Will the other heroes learn that Doc Ock was in control of Peters body?

Not sure of the official answers but I do have some speculations?
1) How will Peter Parker return? I'm thinking that it will be a combination of remnants of Peter Parker still in the mind fighting to come back and the gold octobot with the rest of Peter Parkers mind returning to swap the two out. Though it could be just the first part where Peter just takes over his mind again from inside.
              1. However, there are other ways this could happen. There are others that know of the swap, well, right now it's just Carlie Cooper and possibly the Green Goblin (since he does have Carlie held captive and has read her journal) there is a chance they have something to do with the returen.
               2. Going off that knowledge that Carlie Cooper knows, she gets away from Green Goblin, she could tell MJ and/or the Avengers that Doc Ock killed Peter Parker and is in control of his body. Then they could capture Spider-Man/Spock and start the switch back.
2) What will happen to Doc Ock when Peter Parker returns? It's a good question because I go back and forth. If Peter Parker returns by using the octobot then it's possible that Ock goes back into the bot in which case he wouldn't have a body anylonger but he would still be around. In that case he could escape and later return in a body, possibly one that is better than his original. He would also know Peter Parker is Spider-Man and that could lead to all sorts of problems in the future. Maybe he will become a hero, I doubt it, but it's possible.
              1. If Peter just returns by only being in his mind then it stands to reason that he will take control over his mind/body. In that case, Doc Ock will still be in the mind and Peter will have to deal with having Ock in his mind with him. It's also possible that if this happened then Ock could take over control of Peters body and start doing things his way. I'm thinking this is the way it will be done. Why? Because this will give Dan Slott a way to continue writing Spider-Man the mean/brutal way when he wants while also still having Peter there. It's also a way to appease the fans, somewhat, where like me, a Peter Parker is the only true Spider-Man will get that but at the same time the new fans of Superior Spider-Man will also have their stories.
               2. Not betting on the Avengers swapping him out but if they did I think it would have to be done with computers. If so that leaves a door open for Ock to escape into the computers.
3) Will the Superior Spider-Man title still be around? Nope. When I first started this blog at the start of the week the news was just coming out about the return of Peter Parker and now I've seen that Superior will be canceled.
4) What about Miguel O'Hara? Still have no idea but I think he will stay around for a little bit longer. Still they might just do the quick ending by sending him back to his time.
5) How will Peter deal with what Ock did while Spider-Man? From what I'm seeing the dealing is going to be handle by him not remembering any of it. Kind of a really lame way to get out of it but also leads to a lot of stories.
6) Will the other heroes learn of what has been happening? I think some will but some won't. Then again if Peter don't remember then maybe none will. Also with Carlie Cooper now a Goblin she will be telling the Green Goblin who Spider-Man is, Ock/Peter, making it at least one villain knowing, which kind of puts it back to the original way it was.


Alright, it's now known that The Amazing Spider-Man is coming back in the printed form (yeah duh I just talked about it) but the printed form is not the only return Peter Parker will be in. Marvel's Infinite Comics will be getting a 13 part installment of The Amazing Spider-Man where it's set where Peter Parker does not remember anything.
This digital format comic will start during the middle of a bank robbery where Peter Parker does not remember who he is or what he's doing. Instead of thinking he is the hero Spider-Man he actually will think he's a bank robber. This book will have writer Joshua Hale Fialkov and artist Juan Bobillo working on this digital comic. Now I just hope that Marvel will print it all as well.