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By Lee Roberts

Amazing Free Force That's This Weekend!!!!

I'm posting my blog a few days early this week because of all that's going on this weekend I didn't want to wait until Friday night where some people might either read it the day later, maybe even later, or they do read it Friday night but it's not enough time to prepare. I've had that happen many times, for both, I've read it late so the events here over or I read it the night before and I didn't have the time to get prepared or just couldn't do anything about it. But because this weekend is actually one that will be a busy one for some and for some that don't know I will give the list of the happenings.
Friday will be the official release day for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie (that is if you wasn't lucky enough to get to go to one of the earlier screenings for the movie held during the week, I wasn't). From what I'm seeing of this sequel it looks like it will be a great one. Because I know there have been screenings I have stopped looking at anything that has the name of Amazing Spider-Man 2 on it for fear of finding out too much. Well, there's really only one piece of information that I'm not wanting to find out until I watch the movie, Gwen (that's all I'll say). There are other things I don't want to know but that is the most important one for me not to know until I see the movie, which I will be watching Friday night at 10PM after I get home from work.

If you haven't decided if you want to go watch this movie, like one person I know said this, "Na, I don't think so cause they already done it so how much more can be said in a remake of a sequel?", and to that I give you my answer. ALOT! Yes, they already did a Spider-Man 2, and you can technically call it a remake considering that there was those other 3 movies, but this is nothing close to those movies. There are the same main charactes of course, Peter Parker/Spider-Man, Aunt May, Harry Osborn, but there are new actors, and new characters that we haven't seen before. Electro looks awesome and looks like he will be giving Spidey a big problem, this Gwen is one that is far different than the one we saw before in the previous Spider-Man 3 movie, and she is far better of a Gwen that is the comic come to life. Rhino is in it, and sure the suit is not the same as the one in the comics we haven't been given a full on look during a battle scene with it so who knows how cool or uncool it will be. This movie is gearing up for what looks like the Sinister Six, which will have some familiar characters but will also be great if done right. And most of all this has such a different look to it than the previous movies that focused on Peter Parker dealing with being Spider-Man and has made these new ones into what the comics do, showing every aspect of Peters life from home with Aunt May to having to be Spider-Man and how it can be fun and painful. I think well worth the time to watch and a whole new movie that just has a character we know.
Saturday is yet another great day for the weekend because it's a day of free comics. Yes, FREE COMICS! I love this day, it happens every year on the first Saturday of May. Just look at this site, http://www.freecomicbookday.com/Home/1/1/27/992 to get all the information you need to know. But let give you some reasons why this is a great day.
First of all FREE COMICS, and lots of them.  There's 57 titles that will be given away this year, some that will be hard to get will be the Guardians of the Galaxy, DC's The New 52 Futures End, The Adventures of Jellaby, Rocet Raccoon, Courtney Crumrin, and Zombie Tramp. Not to say these will be the hard to find ones or that some of the other titles end up being so while these are not, but I'm guessing these will be or most will be for a few reasons. One they will be popular so everyone is getting them, and two is that for some comic shops they won't get them. For small town comic shops, the ones that don't order them all then maybe the Zombie Tramp will be passed over because it's an unknown, or maybe becuase it's about a zombie that's a tramp so the shop gets Archie instead or the Guardians. So just be on the outlook and go to your local shop and ask them what ones they ordered so you know in advance what you can expect to get.

Another reason to go is that for some shops they will have more than just free comics. For the larger cities, ones with larger markets, the shops can actually get such stuff as the comemorative t-shirt with the design on it by Skottie Young, posters, hats, polo shirts, wrist bands, bags, magnets, and even some hero clix. Lots of free stuff, huh?
If you think that's the end of the free stuff, it's not, or for most it's not I can't say for all. Every shop I have in my area always has some extra free comics that are not part of the published on Free Comic Book Day comics. There are titles that the shops just want to add to the stack of free stuff you can get on this day. It won't be the comic that just came out and it might not be the most popular comic ever, but it is a free one and if it's one you've never read, who knows it might be a new favorite.

It's not all  though with the comics and merchandise, there's guests that appear. Ok, the guests might not be at all the shops, usually only one shop has artists and creators of comics at the shop but there are other people that can appear. At one here the 501st appear, you know those Storm Troopers that are Darth Vaders elite squad, and if you have the money and time to build your own Storm Trooper suit you might be able to join the club. But there are all kinds of people that can show up, just find your shop, call/stop in, and ask them if anyone is going to be there.
And the most important part, FREE COMICS!
There is a way on the site for Free Comic Book Day for you to find out if a shop near you is holding the event. Make sure you check if you don't know because it's held at comic book shops, you won't be able to walk into a book store and walk out with free comics, legally at any rate. It's a great day for anyone that loves comics or wants to help get new people interested in them and I for one can't wait for Saturday.
May the Fourth be with you. No I didn't make a type-o there, I meant to say fourth instead of force. May 4th has become known as Star Wars day, if you can't guess why well now you can by just reading my first 6 words of this section again. What will make this day so important? Other than it being Star Wars day? Well, there is this small thing called Episode VII that's going to be filmed and admidst the rumors that this film has generated this might be the day of news. From what I've read and found online, May 4, 2014 will be a day of some big news for Episode VII.
What will this day of news be?

Will we finally got an official annoucment on Tuesday April 29, 2014, that Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew, and Kenny Baker will be back in their famous roles. Now here is the cast so far, John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, Andy Serkis, Domhnall Gleeson, and Max von Sydow. But who are these other people that will be among the greats?
John Boyega was in Attack the Block as Moses, on Becoming Human as Danny Curtis, and the new 24: Live Another Day as Chris Tanner.
Daisy Ridley was in the TV series Casualty as Fran Bedingfield, Youngers as Jessie, and Silent Witness as Hannah Kennedy.
Adam Driver has a longer list of titles but notable features such as Lincoln as Samuel Beckwith and Law & Order: Special Victims Unit as jason Roberts (hey I like that last name).
Oscar Isaac was in Robin Hood (the 2010 version) as Prince John and Sucker Punch as Blue Jones.
Andy Serkis might not be a well known name but his face and his role he played are, Gollum on Lord of the Rings. He has also done a lot of voice acting.

Domhnall Gleeson is an actor who I now like from his role in About Time as Tim but he was also in a pretty famous 8 movie series Harry Potter as Bill Weasley (though he only was in part 1 and 2 of Deathly Hollows.
Max von Sydow is a very famous actor who has a very long career as an actor and has been in many roles from small to huge, such as Emperor Ming on Flash Gordon, King Osric on Conan the Barbarian, Ghostbusters 2 as the voice of Vigo, Needful Things as Leland Gaunt, Minority Report as Director Lamar Burgess, and one of my most favorite roles and first introduction to him as an actor Brewmeister Smith in The Adventures of Bob & Doug McKenzie: Strange Brew.
That is the cast as of right now, which can change by the time I post this considering that about 5 minutes after I first wrote and saved this blog I talked about how there was not cast, only rumors, and that it might be the cast being released on May 4th but then 5 minutes later I get a text from my friend Matt (someone who can be a library on Star Wars with his knowledge) telling me the cast was released. And with that I went about retyping out this part of my blog for the update but there is still supposed to be more news on Sunday May 4th but what will it be?

I don't know but I'm very eager to find out what news will be released for May Fourth but I also like it just because it's Star Wars day. Check out some things around your area to see if they are doing anything, you might be surprised what you might find. Like I know on May 23 the Charlotte Knights has Star Wars night (yes I have my tickets) so it's plausable to think that that maybe another team is having a Star Wars day on Star Wars day (not the Knights, they are out of town), I think that the Durham Bulls will be dressed as R2-D2. I would bet that the local 501st has something planned, so if you made it out to Free Comic Book Day and you saw some Storm Troopers, go up, ask them, hey what are you doing tomorrow on May Fourth? If you are around a Disney store (maybe not all cause I don't know) but some stores will have events going on for the kids. Check out Amazon for some discounts on some Star Wars items. But just look it up and who knoew what you might find that's going on.