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Lee Roberts's picture
By Lee Roberts

The Past is Here But the Future Might Be Old

When a movie works it works and the latest incarnation of the X-Men franchise is one of those movies that works out. At least for the most part it does. As a whole the movie is really enjoyable, the acting by this large cast is good, which I was worried about a few like Halle Berry as Storm but what part she plays she plays it well.
Speaking of the large cast, there are a lot of characters in this movie, one of my favorites is Blink who like in the comics, her character just don't have that great of luck. Still, compared to Colossus, Blink has it easy in the movie. Peter Dinklage as Bolivar Trask was believable because this man is a short evil guy that wants to not kill but exterminate the mutant population and any hopes of future mutants. There's a good balance between the characters stories and the all out action of the sentinels fighting the X-Men.

But there were a few problems I had with the movie, mainly how was Xavier alive in the future? If this is following the path from the previous X-Men movies then he should be dead. However, it could be said that this is an alternate world that has very close similarities but not all is the same. One such difference would be that Xavier never died so that allows him to be in the future. That would also explain Kitty Pryde and what she can do. But here's the twist of it, that's not how they explain it. In fact they don't explain it at all so I'm left wondering how it all happens.

The surprising moment I had with this movie was with Quick Silver. Before watching it I did what I shouldn't do but still do, I judged Quick Silver on his appearance where I thought the character was going to be dumb because he looked dumb. I was so far off with that assessment because this character turned out to be one of the best ones in the movie but he's not in it that much. Could be that works out in the character's favor because he's not over used but I would have thought that having someone that could run that fast would be a good teammate to have.
It's a fun movie and aside from the 3D version that I saw, having no explanation about Xavier and Pryde, Days of Future Past is worth seeing. I won't be going again this weekend but I will be going again during the coming week and then 2 weekends from now I will go again with my parents.

So there have been stories about Hugh Jackman deciding not to be Wolverine anymore. Well, he has made a statement saying that he still will be the character as along as the story was good enough. Which I agree, I would much rather not watch a bad Wolverine movie (Origins) just to have a movie with him in it.
He went on to say that he has been talking about doing an adaptation of Old Man Logan. Right now I say, yes, no I say, do it right now! If you haven't read Old Man Logan you need to find a comic shop quickly and read the graphic novel. This is a great story that will shock and awe you with what they did with the character of Wolverine and every other character in the Marvel U. Bring this movie out next, let Apocalypse wait until this one is done because I think it would be so much better.