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By Lee Roberts

Raleigh Super Con, what to see and do there

Convention season is in full swing right now and it only gets better in the coming months. One convention in particular that I’m looking forward going to is the Raleigh Super Con.


I can tell you in two words, or in this case, one name. Tara Strong.

Yes the voice actress of Harley Quinn will be in Raleigh and I will be there to see her and get her to sign my Harley Quinn items. I can’t tell you how excited I am at the chance to meet her and this is happening all because of the Raleigh Super Con. Not only is she the voice of Harley Quinn, but she is the voice of Raven from the Teen Titans Go cartoon and Bubbles of the Powerpuff Girls.

Though I don’t want to just shine the light on this brilliant actress because there are others that should make you want to be at the convention. If you are Doctor Who fan, and who isn’t, then you will be happy to know that Karen Gillan aka  Amy Pond, Joey Lauren Adams, LeVar Burton, Jason David Frank, Jason Mewes, Brian O’Halloran, and so so many more will be there.

There are major  wrestlers appearing, Stranger Things actors, voice actors, artists, and that’s just the guest list that are going there. There’s all sorts of events happening like the Doctor Who meet up group, there’s a video game arcade, and can’t forget about the cosplay. Which by the way, there is are free, yes FREE, cosplay photo booths located in the main exhibit hall. Not only that but there will be film festival if you are interested in taking part in that.

But if you think that is just not enough for you, then there are the vendors. This will give you a good chance to find those hard to find rare items you are looking for. Or maybe you forgot to bring you Harley Quinn or Amy Pond figure to get signed, I would bet they will be at one of the vendors for you to get.

I can’t wait to go to this convention and I can’t wait to share my experience of it with you. Be sure to check in on my twitter and Instagram account when I do go to the convention because I will do some live streaming. If you have requests of something to see and it’s possible for me to get it, I can’t give any guarantees that I can stream any of the guests, but if I can do it I will try my best to get it out on live stream for you to see.

Also, if you can’t make it to the convention but you have a question you would like to ask of one of the guests, tell me the question and I will ask it for you.